Monday, June 25, 2007

Bless this house

Okay, so, we got married, whisked ourselves away to the Bahamas, had some great alone time, came home, and now....we are alone again! The kids got to go (were taken) to Kansas to visit my wonderful sister for the enitre week. As usual, this mama has mixed feelings. I miss them to the point of tears (I keep looking in their brand new rooms full of boxes and their stuff). But Aaron and I getting to lie around all evening on the comfy leather chair (built for two) not having to get up and give someone a bath, and not having to referee an argument about who had the remote/nintendo/toothpaste first, and not having to get up one hour earlier before work to get them dressed and out the door has been kinda nice..........but I do miss them.

Aaron and I have been having a blast with the new house! We have been to Home Depot 17 times between us, just like real home owners. The grass got mowed and trimmed for the first time (just before the rain continued....lots of rain lately) We have replaced all the light bulb in the house with energy efficent halogen lights, we have bought a new welcome mat for the front door. We have been in new home owners/ newleywed mode non stop and I love it!!

Kisses to Aaron for making everyday special and making me feel so Beautiful!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

.....God's Sunflower

Lacey and I went out for her birthday last night! We had a great time together, as always. We went to Cabo Grande in Fort Worth (jeans and heels of course). Lacey ordered this super spicy Habenero Shrimp Salad, so I ordered it too, how hot could it be? Me and Lacey have the same taste in just about everything! Well, WOOOWEEEE!! Lets just say, I am still downing glasses of iced tea. That girl can handle the heat! But not this mama! After our 'fiery' dinner we went to see the movie 'Knocked Up' (hilarious). Totally a chic movie! But I can't think of a guy I know that wouldn't love it, too! Aaron said he'll wait till it comes out on video, but he's gonna love it. After the movie, and after a few blond moments in the parking garage we each headed our separate ways to our own families. As we drove off I started thinking about how far we've come. How are lives have changed over the years! Could I have pictured ten years ago our lives as they are now? What about 15 years ago! We were little girls watching Fried Green Tomato's and Thelma and Louise with no idea what was in store for us! We are so blessed with our children and our families. Lacey has been my friend since elementary school. I have known this girl forever! She is one of the funniest, coolest people I have ever met!! I love hanging out with her (I just don't get to very much). We have the best time laughing together, sharing stories, of work, or about our kids! We have shared a great deal and have been by each others side for some of our ups and downs and we've been apart for some of the ups and downs. But our friendship is very strong and true! Lacey is as unique as she is beautiful! Lacey lights up a room and is the center of attention always! (Lacey don't kill me, just had to brag on you a lil' bit!) Lacey is gorgeous, strong, smart, sweet, hilarious, witty, charming, classy and just a breath of fresh air!! I couldn't have asked for a better girl to meet in elementary school! Being around her is like standing in front of a field of these brilliant yellow flowers basking in the sun, for all the world to notice and enjoy! I love my friend Lacey, God's sunflower!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

I feel like dancin!!

"Good things come to those who wait!"
We closed on our house yesterday! It seemed like that was never going to happen!! What was I freaking out about? Nothing! I was actually very calm about the whole thing! Just ask Aaron! I was NOT calling him all the time to find out if he had talked to anyone! I did NOT throw a fit when the date got pushed back more than once!!! Ha ha! Okay, who am I trying to fool! But, NOW we have the house. Just like Aaron said, "Everything will be alright!!" I wish I had his amazing patience! Nothing seems to phase him. God put him in my life to teach me patience and strength, cause Aaron has enough for the both of us! I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing man like him!! And amazing kids are just the cherry on top!!

Things just keep on getting better!............ Now if the rain would just stop!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

So long apartment! Hello house!....or not yet

So, some things are meant to happen on a set schedule like the start of the school year, television shows, and taxes and some things are meant to be delayed such as flight schedules, births of babies, and apparantley closing on homes. We were scheduled to close on the house yesterday, but that has now been pushed back to Tuesday! Better late than never, so no big deal! Steve, my new BIL, and our realtor has been working so hard to make sure everything goes smoothly and we thank him so much for that. It is forcasted to rain all weekend anyway, so we don't mind not having to rush around in moving trucks, carry furniture and stack boxes in the rain!

Zoe is starting to get emotional about the move. Last night before her shower she said she was going to miss everything about the apartment. Her room, the balcony, the doors. "We've lived here sooooo long, I can't bare to move away." She is a very serious little girl when she wants to be. A self proclaimed Tom Boy, who doesn't care for Barbie, the color pink, or anything considered 'girly girl'. She is rough and tumble and full of spunk! But still, only seven and very little in my eyes.

Sid seems excited about the move. He loves packing boxes and labeling them in big black letters 'SID'S ROOM'. It is harder for him to be patient about the delay. He wants to ride his bike up and down the street, walk to school, and play in the school yard, have a lemonade stand to earn extra money. He needs to be in the new house. "Mom, I need my own room, today!" he says while eating his cereal. "Only a few more days, son. It's almost time." I tried to re-assure. Then big dramatic flair "It's going to take FOREVER......." here we go......

Aaron has gone into action mode! He is the most efficent person I have ever seen, handling all the mortgage and paperwork, going to the inspection, getting the electric swithced over, the satelitte tv switched over, making sure the water will be turned on for us, buying a fridgerator (sorry honey, thats re-fridgerator) packing boxes, buying packing tape, getting the moving van scheduled, getting friends to help us on Tuesday! He has done all the planning and organizing of this move. He is UNREAL! I am sure he feels about the same about me and the wedding planning, he didn't have to do too much! But now, I am not busy with the wedding anymore, and he has totally taken charge with the house! I haven't had to lift a finger. Thank you, honey, for all that you do.

I, for one, cannot wait to be in the new house. I'm with Sid as far as we need the new house. We need the backyard! We need the space. The house is so adorable too. Two big trees in the front yard, adorable porch swing by the front door, master bedroom with study off to the side, ceiling fans all over! The kids each have their own room, we all have our own bathroom. The backyard has endless possiblitlies. Before church on Sunday mornings, the kids and I have been watching Landscapers Challenge for ideas. And I am married to the Home Depot Landscaper. How great is that. Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! But for now, we will take these few days to say good bye to the walls, doors, balconies, and rooms that have held our family until now.
Goodbye Apartment!

The picture I have at the top of this post is from the realtor selling page, and is actually our house- but they have painted the outside since then. I will post my own pictures, after we move in.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Soaking up the sun

I had a few days off work before I had to come back and spent some quality time with the kids and Jennifer and her girls, and of course mom laying around the pool. Mom is doing a lot better. She is such a patient kind hearted woman. I know she has enjoyed having Jennifer here to hlep her, and Jennifer and my mom are both very natural care givers. They know how to make whom ever they are helping feel like the most important thing.

Jennifer and her girls are going back to Kansas on Friday and they will be really excited to see there dad (Kelly has been without Jennifer for way tooo long, I am sure he misses them). We will miss them so much, though. I love having Jennifer around. I love spending time at the pool with her and our kids. We are such best friends. I keep thinking to myself "it could be this way every weekend if she still lived here." But, we will see each other again before too long. The kids are supposed to go spend a week with her later in the summer.

Aaron and I are packing up the apartment everyday this week while the kids are at VBS at FOTP. We have been really productive, considering how tired we are from working all day. Aaron is really glad that he took some time off from school this summer. I just pray that there was a way for me to work, and he go to school really full time, so he could hurry and get through it all. We are suppose to close on the house Friday.

The kids have not even seen the inside of the house!! They are so excited! I told them the walls have been painted gray, but we could paint them a different color. "Turquoise!" Zoe shouts! "I gotta have turquoise!!" Hmmmmm.....where does she get that from?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Wedded Bliss

I am the happiest girl in the world! Today is my first day back at work since The Big Day, and I feel rested, tan, full of love and kisses, and so completely blessed. My husband is at work, the kids are with grandpa, Jennifer is still in town, and things are looking about as perfect as I imagined.

The wedding. I am sitting here amongst checks to post, and leases to type, and my mind keeps drifing to all the amazing details of the wedding. The little tiny lights above us as we danced for the first time as husband and wife. Everyones smiling faces. The flower girls dancing there hearts out with the boys. Zoe guitar solo during Def Lepord's 'Pour some sugar on me'. Aaron getting chocked up in the hallway after seeing his dad cry. The kids gleeful smiles and teary eyes after the cermony with their new dad. The silent hand squezzes Aaron and I shared as we recited vows and listened to Doug speak of God's plan for us. Sid pulling the rings out of his tuxedo pocket at just the right moment. The look on Aaron's face when he saw me coming around the corner. The smell of Aaron's aftershave as we danced, and laughed and spun around the dance floor, happy and dizzy, all at the same time. All the bridesmaids looking so beautiful and thoughtful about the future. The groomsmen looking at the bridesmaids. My mom looked georgeous. The most beautiful I have ever seen. Pam and Dellis covering us with kisses and wishing us farwell as we ran to the car. The fragrant smell of roses, in the girls bouquets and petals being tossed over our heads as we ran to the car.

Wedded bliss. Now this is what God intented. This is perfection.

Pictures coming soon, I promise.......

Friday, June 08, 2007

Thank God

Our first day back, and we are so thankful that we have these amazing kids. Monday while we were in the Bahamas, Mom and our kids were involved in a bad car accident. Someone ran a red light and t-boned moms car, breaking her hip, bruising Sid and Zoe, and totalling her car. Only bruising Sid and Zoe......
They are asleep right now in their beds and it is just after midnight our first day home, and I have to keep repeating it...only bruises, bruises heal, bruises go away......we feel so lucky.
We found out when we landed in Florida and my cell phone worked for the 1st time since Sunday, and I tried to call mom to tell her and the kids we were coming home and send them kisses over the airways! Aaron and I looked out over a runway watching insignificant planes got to and fro, and Jennifer answered mom's phone and I was like 'what is she doing home? She was supposed to go back to Kansas Sunday!' Her first words to me were...".... the kids are are okay"
There are different levels of okay mind you, so as she began to unravel the story of the accident and moms injuries, the completely demolished car and the ambulance taking Sid and Zoe with mom, and they waited at the hospital for 6 hours, and all my mind could do was wonder 'are they really okay?' Then I began to thank God for there safety. Thank God mom wasn't more seriously injured. Thank God Sid and Zoe are okay!! Needless to say once we got home Aaron and I held on to them and didn't let go, and we kissed their cheeks and noses and ears and they got way tired of the kisses before we did, and they seemed so fine and brave and basically over it. Jennifer had seen mom's car earlier to get all of her stuff out of it. She says she has no idea how everyone wasn't more seriously injured.
God is great, but life sometimes throws you unexpected tragedies, and I know this. I pray every night that God will protect them, and I pray it sometimes during the day. Tonight I thanked God for only bruises. Only bruises, on Sid and Zoe. Mom and the kids had God's angels with them that day, and for this I will be forever grateful.
Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.
Psalm 5:11b

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Sunsets and Drinks with Umbrellas

The Bahamas. This is such a romantic, relaxing get away! When we got here we were wisked away with champagne to our room, which was beautiful with a a four poster bed, lush garden veiw, full bar, and matching robes. We walked the property, saw the breathtaking beach, and crystal blue waters, and then took advantage of the 'all inclusive' features. We headed to the beach hut grill. When we are exhausted, but too excited to sleep, we eat. It's great for energy. Aaron and his magnetic charm, attracted birds from all over the beach. They were polite enough to wait until we were done to devour our food left on the table.

We hit the beach, went snorkeling, took a kayak for a spin around the sea. There is something incredible about sunshine, and sea air. Aaron and I have been passing most of our time laughing, kissing, and having deep conversations about many subjects ranging from the different culture practice of the local Bahamians to whether Paris Hilton will do her full jail sentence or not. Snorkeling in the rain is a really neat experience. We got a ton of salt water in our systems via the snorkel. Then on the ride back to the island on the speed boat when the storm really kicked in, we were smacked in the face with visious rain drops. Seriously it stung our faces. I buried my face against Aaron, but the rain still pounded the back of my neck with incredible needle like stings. Funny now, but not so much then.

Today we snorkeld again, but this time the sun was shining, and I was relly proud of myself for getting in the water even after a fellow diver bragged about seeing a shark the day before. One girl, to her new husbands embarasment, refused to leave the boat! But I left the boat. Aaron joked and called me an olympic trainee, cause I was swimming all around with my new found fin skill (and afraid a shark my catch site of me and think i was a seal if I sat still too long, like on those discovery channel documenteries). Yesterday in the rainy snorkel, I did not know how to use my fins so well, and ended up almost drowning Aaron. Again, funny now, not so funny then.

We have been taking naps everyday, eating dinner and then ending the evening at The Criketeer's Pub (pronounced like Musketeers, or Mouseketeers if you prefer). We let the bartender give us any kind of shots he prefers. We are so not picky!! One of the bartenders aksed Aaron, "What is the best thing in this bar....." trying to see if he would reference the fine liquor, and not his new wife (me)but Aaron shocked them all, by looking into my eyes, and saying "She is!!"

They love us! Our favorite part of this amazing honeymoon is that time seems to be a non issue.(so opposite of reality) The only time we have needed to know the time scince we have arrived is to catch a snorkel boat!! I am starting to miss home, and Aaron can since this, and wont let me look at the camera, for fear that I will stumble across the photos of the kids taken before the trip and burst into tears. But, home will come very soon, sooner than I think. For now we will just sit back and enjoy the sunsets and drinks with umbrellas.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Two in One

Aaron, I am managing to quietly write this as you lie alseep in the wee hours of the morning on our first full day as husband and wife. We are just a few moments from the telephone ringing to wake you up and they will tell you it is time to get up. When we get that call we will be rushing about, putting clothes in the suitcase, brushing teeth, confirming flight numbers and the locations of sunscreen and passports. But for this moment everything is still, you are asleep, so tired and peaceful. Just perfect. And I am awake, your quiet wife, writing all of this down, to make a memory of us. Writing all of this for you.

Aaron, we are fiinally here. To this 'place' that is really only a moment of time, this 'place' where we will create the journey of our souls becoming one. Two in one flesh, one home, one heart. I made vows and promises to you last night in front of all of our family and friends and God, that will never be broken. I promise that I will always put God and you first, in that order, and that if God is first we will never be more than a dark, quiet night away from moments like this.... when the sun has yet to rise, the unknown adventure of our life seems inticing, the possibilities of what great is to come are endless. The darkness of morning offers little more than a blank slate of whatever we want this day to hold. Whatever in the world we would like this day to hold. And I chose this day to hold you.

I love you more than you will ever, Mrs. May