Thursday, July 05, 2007

Star and Stripes!

The entire family was home and together for the 4th of July this year, which was very nice. We relaxed together, and played in our backyard. The rain was sort of hit or miss today, and we missed it!!!! We are on about day 19 I think for rainfall! CRAZY for Texas summer. Jarrod ended up coming over and taking the kids to Bedford Boys Ranch to see the fireworks. They had a great time with Christian and Chyna. Zoe said that when the fireworks would go off little Chyna would hide her face. When they came home we talked about there favorite fire works. Sid liked the ones that explode right on top of each other like they are getting closer to you with every KABOOM. This was our fist 4th of July that we haven't watched fireworks together in a long time, but they had fun with Jarrod, and Aaron and I went downtown to dinner and a movie. WE LOVE DATE NIGHT!

I love so much about Aaron. I love how we never run out of things to talk about, and we are always laughing together. I love how he looks after his beard has grown in for a couple of days. I love how small he makes me feel when he engulfs me in his big arms. I love how he calls me angel even when he is aggravated with me. I love how he loves the Lord, and usually solves every problem with a prayer. I love how smart he is, he can memorize more facts and information than any one I have ever met. I love how he encourages me and the kids to always do our best. I love his patience and his big heart. I love my husband so much!

honeymoon phase?.........maybe............and this is just the beginning.

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