Saturday, July 11, 2009

Just Because Muffins and Honey Jars

I have a honey jar in my cupboard at home. I bought it last summer in Kansas at a Farmers Market. It is pure, raw, fresh from the hive, honey, complete with a square of saturated honeycomb, that some bees worked really, really hard on. It is so delicious, it is sweeter than the honey that comes in the honey bear at Kroger- though Zoe does love that honey bear. With that golden honey and intricately made honeycomb, I am humbled and amazed at God's power. Something so simple like a bee, and look how God has used its life.

I try to imagine myself an empty honey jar. And what ever I put in my jar is what people will see, and how they will know me, and that will be who I am. I try to imagine what it would look like if God truly filled my honey jar. What would I be if I could just pour a little more God into my jar everyday, until I was completely filled with Him.

I bet I would bring some hope to friends.

I bet I would have compassion for others.

I bet I would think of others points of view instead of just my own.

I bet I would live for serving others and put my self second.

I recently heard someone say "If you read the gospels over and over again, over time, you will began reading your own life story." I was speechless when I heard this. My own life story? Okay, well then, let me examine my life, compared to Jesus'. I have not healed anyone. I have not talked to any women at the well. If I was being honest, I would probably saw that I avoid the well, altogether. I have not saved anyone. I have not chosen to eat dinner at a tax collectors house, nor do I really associate with tax collectors. Washing feet? Nope, I can't say that I have....... Oh, well, do the kids count??

And then I try to simplify it.

Have I committed a random act of kindness, lately?
Have I offered to help someone carry a heavy load?
Did I send an encouraging email to a friend who was going through a tough time?
Did I pick up the tab for coffee?
Did I drop "just because" muffins by my neighbors door on the way to work this morning?
Can I see my life reflected back to me in the life of Christ?

How do I get there? Where do I begin? What would I do in a day if I walked with God's feet? Just the feet alone, I bet I would end up in a bunch of places that I wouldn't normally go. And then the next day if God took over my legs. And then my arms, and hands. Next my smile and eyes. Followed by my mind.

I will begin today. Can I obey when God pulls me in a direction to help someone? Can I listen when God tells me to talk to someone? Will I go when God tells me to?

I'd like to think that I will. And I know that it isn't easy. But I want my honey jar to reflect God's grace and glory. And I think I will start by going home and baking some "just because" muffins.

1 comment:

Lacey said...

sounds like you are finding your way! I love you so much girl! you inspire me!