Aaron, we are fiinally here. To this 'place' that is really only a moment of time, this 'place' where we will create the journey of our souls becoming one. Two in one flesh, one home, one heart. I made vows and promises to you last night in front of all of our family and friends and God, that will never be broken. I promise that I will always put God and you first, in that order, and that if God is first we will never be more than a dark, quiet night away from moments like this.... when the sun has yet to rise, the unknown adventure of our life seems inticing, the possibilities of what great is to come are endless. The darkness of morning offers little more than a blank slate of whatever we want this day to hold. Whatever in the world we would like this day to hold. And I chose this day to hold you.
I love you more than you will ever know......love, Mrs. May
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