In one week I will be Mrs Aaron May. Everything is ready for the wedding. Jennifer came over and we organized things to take with us the day of the rehearsal and the day of the wedding. Went over final details with Pastor Doug. Went over final details with the DJ. All that is left to do, is relax and let this wonderful fairy tale take its course.
It is supposed to rain everyday between now and the wedding, then be sunny on the wedding day and then keep right on raining the day after!! The wedding will be amazing, I cannot wait for our first dance, and the look on his face when he sees me coming down the aisle. It will be amazing.
Then (praying for my passport) we will be off to soak up some sun in The Bahamas! Feet in the white sand, cool Caribbean breezes, our own private island to kayak to, sleeping in late, breakfast by the ocean. I cannot wait.
Married Life, here we come!
I love to read you blog.
Well I guess you are on your way to the Bahama's right about now!!! We had so much fun at the wedding. Everything went perfect!!!
Talk to you soon.
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