The Bahamas. This is such a romantic, relaxing get away! When we got here we were wisked away with champagne to our room, which was beautiful with a a four poster bed, lush garden veiw, full bar, and matching robes. We walked the property, saw the breathtaking beach, and crystal blue waters, and then took advantage of the 'all inclusive' features. We headed to the beach hut grill. When we are exhausted, but too excited to sleep, we eat. It's great for energy. Aaron and his magnetic charm, attracted birds from all over the beach. They were polite enough to wait until we were done to devour our food left on the table.
We hit the beach, went snorkeling, took a kayak for a spin around the sea. There is something incredible about sunshine, and sea air. Aaron and I have been passing most of our time laughing, kissing, and having deep conversations about many subjects ranging from the different culture practice of the local Bahamians to whether Paris Hilton will do her full jail sentence or not. Snorkeling in the rain is a really neat experience. We got a ton of salt water in our systems via the snorkel. Then on the ride back to the island on the speed boat when the storm really kicked in, we were smacked in the face with visious rain drops. Seriously it stung our faces. I buried my face against Aaron, but the rain still pounded the back of my neck with incredible needle like stings. Funny now, but not so much then.
Today we snorkeld again, but this time the sun was shining, and I was relly proud of myself for getting in the water even after a fellow diver bragged about seeing a shark the day before. One girl, to her new husbands embarasment, refused to leave the boat! But I left the boat. Aaron joked and called me an olympic trainee, cause I was swimming all around with my new found fin skill (and afraid a shark my catch site of me and think i was a seal if I sat still too long, like on those discovery channel documenteries). Yesterday in the rainy snorkel, I did not know how to use my fins so well, and ended up almost drowning Aaron. Again, funny now, not so funny then.
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