Stole this from an article I found on the internet and I had to share it. I love the hilarious outlook and the truth behind the comments. It really brightned my day.
15 Benifits of Taking Pregnancy Lying Down
By Laurie Krauth
How often do the one in five pregnant women assigned to bed rest get to brag about the experience? Yet here we lie, accumulating perks unknown to our mobile counterparts. So here's a reminder to horizontal pregnant women, and a lesson to our vertical sisters, about just 15 of the benefits I've accrued in taking pregnancy lying down.
1. My husband has learned to cook. And not just in the microwave.
2. He can run the house. (He no longer puts the first load of wash in the machine and leaves it to mold. He regularly fills--and empties--the dishwasher, notices when we're out of milk, creates a shopping list, hits more than one store to get the goods, buys in bulk and looks out for sales.)
3. I am amassing a quantity of sleep-time that I won't see again until my baby is 2.
4. I am tearing through novels, mastering (in theory) the football hold for breastfeeding and gossiping with friends with a laziness that my baby won't permit again until preschool.
5. I'm losing my type A-ness-is it possible? Before this bed rest thing, I couldn't talk on the phone or have a friend over without also cooking or filing papers.
6. My old definition of a top-flight evening--one spent eviscerating eight items on my to-do list has been replaced by one spent watching two videos with my husband.
7. I can stare aimlessly into space (without mentally adding tasks to said to-do list).
8. My athletic virtuosity no longer depends upon at least one sweaty set of tennis, three jogs and a night of swing dancing a week. Tackling the stairs now makes me proud..
9. Lying on the couch in the living room (aka Bed Rest Central), I savor sightings of cardinals and chubby snowflakes. Gone is the muttering about barren, skinny trees and steel gray sky. This is a cornucopia of earthly delights compared with the medical building that stared back at me from the hospital bed I occupied the other week (and could occupy again any time).
10. I relish my baby's increasingly zealous kick-boxing because I know he's well and happy, and that matters more than anything.
11. Forget any worries that my new husband loves me conditionally for the sex, or how I take care of business around the house, for my fanatical energy, or for my lithe body. These are a distant memory and still he treats me like his bride.
12. No doubts left about how he'll handle Real Life with me. As our honeymoon giddiness has been replaced by his holding me from 3 to 5 a.m. while I await crisis-level bleeding, as well as preparing my meals and cleaning up after me, we've cruised seamlessly through a decade's worth of marital developmental stages in less than a year.
13. Improbably, he still makes me feel like a honeymooner, despite my girth, exhaustion and periodic fear. Curling up together on Bed Rest Central beats a night at a Parisian café with a new lover. I feel this exquisite bittersweet appreciation of each moment we spend together that's intensified by the knowledge that a hospital bed may beckon at any moment.
14. I am finally ready to have my baby. All this lying around finally put a stop to my obsessive worries about handling the transition to motherhood, leaving in its wake the searing desire to get on with toughening up my nipples and changing diapers for the kick-boxer I'm carrying.
15. I'm actually looking forward to being liberated by childbirth. While my fellow expectant mothers anticipate losing mobility and independence, I can't wait to be off bed rest and carry my baby and his hundreds of accoutrements through the house and out into the world. I'll be free!
Laurie Krauth is a psychotherapist and writer in Ann Arbor, Michigan, whose complete placenta previa required that the last month of pregnancy be spent at Bed Rest Central. She has a healthy, delicious seven-month-old boy.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I have been really really emotional this week.
I am use to the mood swings at this point. I expect them, not surprised when they are here, but I don't enjoy them. No one in my house enjoys them.
But this week was a little more difficult. The combination of bed rest, lack of control over anything and physical discomfort I am in, has got me wound so tight, it doesn't take much to get me crying. And on top of all that, I am sick and tired of hearing myself complain. Not even out loud, just in my head. Some of it is out loud- Aaron gets the brunt of that. And I hate that too.
I am in a nesting phase that would put TLC's "Clean House" to shame. I have a million projects in my head that I want done, 70,000 of which I can't even properly explain, I just wanna get rid of stuff/ organize stuff/ disinfect stuff. For example, I want to clean out my front hall closet, by the front door. It is not overly messy or disorganized, but half the stuff in there can be permanently removed and put together better, to make room for the large wicker basket that I need to buy at Ross that will house the 100 blankets that are floating around the house. I mean, these blankets are about to be the death of me!! Who needs 25 blankets on the couches and beds in piles? In July? I'll tell you what I need, I need them to have a home behind a closed door and go to that home, only to come out when we are watching a movie, or winter arrives- whichever comes first.
That is only one item on the to do list.
But anyways, back to me being emotional. With my hormones running-a-muck, it was no surprise to me that, as I drove alone to my sonogram yesterday, I started crying. It was a "sick and tired" of everything cry. And I started to think about God looking down on me, while crying and driving to the Dr's office. And something dawned on me.
God wasn't born yesterday, He has always been here. He is magnificent. He is wise. He is all knowing.
He hasn't been surprised, or taken a back by any of this difficult pregnancy. Not one word from the dr's mouth, not one blood test result, or recommended treatment has come as a shock to Him. He knew all of this all along, and He knew it before we even conceived. Not only did he know it, it was part of His plan.
With that realization, I drove the last few blocks to Dr K's office, and silently pondered what that meant to me? How does that change my outlook? He has been here, by my side, watching me react to news of this and news of that, waiting for me to get it. Waiting for me to take from this exactly what He wanted me to take from it.
I remember one night this winter I was closing down at work, walking around turning off lights and locking doors. It had been a particularly grueling week at our house- kids fighting, exhaustion on my part, Aaron always busy. But I recall having a sense of peace as I walked from lamp to lamp turning them off, an actual looking forward to going home and knowing that what ever the night brought me, no matter how stressful, it was what God wanted for me for some reason. And I was excited to see what was in store, and what He was trying to say to me, by allowing, the chaos. I was excited for His plan, no matter what it brought. I saw it as an opportunity.
This realization, humbled and quieted me as I parked in the parking garage, and took the elevators and sat in the waiting room.
Here, this whole time I have been going in and out of days, just trying to get through them, distracting myself from feeling miserable or irritable. I have been lulled into just knocking the weeks out and getting them behind me.
But I am missing the bigger picture.
I thought I have got to OPEN MY EYES!
What is He doing to our marriage by allowing stressful moments, utter dependence, and a need for solid communication? How will we come away stronger?
What is God changing in me, with lack of control, and stillness? How will this help me help others?
What is He trying to bring out of us for His glory?
How is He shaping us for something else that is to come?
Last night when Aaron got home, we hunkered down in our room for some alone time. On particularly rough days, I tend to shut down and quietly sulk- horrible words flood my mind like "Aaron doesn't understand, nor does he want to" or "He will think you are weak and reject you if you complain about anything" but I felt an encouraging from with in, like God speaking to my heart.
"Reach out to him"
So I did.
I turned to Aaron and told him about the pain I was in, and I told him about the worry, and I told him that I hate myself like this and that I feel like I am failing- I am letting everyone down.
And a wall came down. Aaron took me in his arms, and massaged the pain, and told me I am not a failure- far from it. He told me I am sweet, and a perfect wife, and a perfect mama and that he was so sorry that I was in pain and that he wished he could take it from me, and that I am so good to our sweet baby Aubrey.
And we talked back and forth about little things and big things and the pain lessened and I got drowsy. As I drifted off wrapped in the warm security of my husbands love, I thought about God nodding at us with approval. It doesn't just solve everything. The pain doesn't instantly stop and the hard days are easy. It was a very small step in the direction He wants us to go.
But for the first time in a long time, I am so excited to see where He takes us.
I am use to the mood swings at this point. I expect them, not surprised when they are here, but I don't enjoy them. No one in my house enjoys them.
But this week was a little more difficult. The combination of bed rest, lack of control over anything and physical discomfort I am in, has got me wound so tight, it doesn't take much to get me crying. And on top of all that, I am sick and tired of hearing myself complain. Not even out loud, just in my head. Some of it is out loud- Aaron gets the brunt of that. And I hate that too.
I am in a nesting phase that would put TLC's "Clean House" to shame. I have a million projects in my head that I want done, 70,000 of which I can't even properly explain, I just wanna get rid of stuff/ organize stuff/ disinfect stuff. For example, I want to clean out my front hall closet, by the front door. It is not overly messy or disorganized, but half the stuff in there can be permanently removed and put together better, to make room for the large wicker basket that I need to buy at Ross that will house the 100 blankets that are floating around the house. I mean, these blankets are about to be the death of me!! Who needs 25 blankets on the couches and beds in piles? In July? I'll tell you what I need, I need them to have a home behind a closed door and go to that home, only to come out when we are watching a movie, or winter arrives- whichever comes first.
That is only one item on the to do list.
But anyways, back to me being emotional. With my hormones running-a-muck, it was no surprise to me that, as I drove alone to my sonogram yesterday, I started crying. It was a "sick and tired" of everything cry. And I started to think about God looking down on me, while crying and driving to the Dr's office. And something dawned on me.
God wasn't born yesterday, He has always been here. He is magnificent. He is wise. He is all knowing.
He hasn't been surprised, or taken a back by any of this difficult pregnancy. Not one word from the dr's mouth, not one blood test result, or recommended treatment has come as a shock to Him. He knew all of this all along, and He knew it before we even conceived. Not only did he know it, it was part of His plan.
With that realization, I drove the last few blocks to Dr K's office, and silently pondered what that meant to me? How does that change my outlook? He has been here, by my side, watching me react to news of this and news of that, waiting for me to get it. Waiting for me to take from this exactly what He wanted me to take from it.
I remember one night this winter I was closing down at work, walking around turning off lights and locking doors. It had been a particularly grueling week at our house- kids fighting, exhaustion on my part, Aaron always busy. But I recall having a sense of peace as I walked from lamp to lamp turning them off, an actual looking forward to going home and knowing that what ever the night brought me, no matter how stressful, it was what God wanted for me for some reason. And I was excited to see what was in store, and what He was trying to say to me, by allowing, the chaos. I was excited for His plan, no matter what it brought. I saw it as an opportunity.
This realization, humbled and quieted me as I parked in the parking garage, and took the elevators and sat in the waiting room.
Here, this whole time I have been going in and out of days, just trying to get through them, distracting myself from feeling miserable or irritable. I have been lulled into just knocking the weeks out and getting them behind me.
But I am missing the bigger picture.
I thought I have got to OPEN MY EYES!
What is He doing to our marriage by allowing stressful moments, utter dependence, and a need for solid communication? How will we come away stronger?
What is God changing in me, with lack of control, and stillness? How will this help me help others?
What is He trying to bring out of us for His glory?
How is He shaping us for something else that is to come?
Last night when Aaron got home, we hunkered down in our room for some alone time. On particularly rough days, I tend to shut down and quietly sulk- horrible words flood my mind like "Aaron doesn't understand, nor does he want to" or "He will think you are weak and reject you if you complain about anything" but I felt an encouraging from with in, like God speaking to my heart.
"Reach out to him"
So I did.
I turned to Aaron and told him about the pain I was in, and I told him about the worry, and I told him that I hate myself like this and that I feel like I am failing- I am letting everyone down.
And a wall came down. Aaron took me in his arms, and massaged the pain, and told me I am not a failure- far from it. He told me I am sweet, and a perfect wife, and a perfect mama and that he was so sorry that I was in pain and that he wished he could take it from me, and that I am so good to our sweet baby Aubrey.
And we talked back and forth about little things and big things and the pain lessened and I got drowsy. As I drifted off wrapped in the warm security of my husbands love, I thought about God nodding at us with approval. It doesn't just solve everything. The pain doesn't instantly stop and the hard days are easy. It was a very small step in the direction He wants us to go.
But for the first time in a long time, I am so excited to see where He takes us.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Father's Day and a Crib
We had a great father's day weekend.
Aaron requested some rest and relaxation and I hope he got enough- I tried to let him sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. Hard to do when you are on bed rest. But he deserves it :)
We had my dad over on Saturday along with my mom and Aunt Sandy. We ate chicken, okra, and mashed potato's and opened gifts and laughed and had so much fun together. The kids got grandpa a water bottle cause he is a bike rider (or a bicyclist rather) and he needs to stay hydrated. We got him a Starbucks gift card cause he is a busy grandpa and he needs to stay caffinated :)
Zoe got Aaron a grill set with tongs, scrubby brush thing and burger flipper thing. He is really good with a grill and made awesome pork chops the other day :) Sid got Aaron Shutter Island DVD starring Leonardo DiCaprio. I think Leo DiCaprio is the best- him and Matt Damon. You see a movie with those guys and you know its gonna be a good one. Aaron and I saw Shutter Island in the theatre and it was creepy- I mean super creepy!! But good.
We went over to the May's (I sat on the couch) Saturday night- the kids swam and we watched Transformers 2- I cannot remember the actual name- but it was great. Dellis grilled burgers and they were delicious!
Today Aaron's parents went out to Nicole's for father's day lunch and brought back the crib that Nicole is going to let us borrow for Aubrey! Its amazing! We promptly put it together and put in the bedding- when I say we I mean the kids and Aaron. Here are the pictures :)

Friday, June 18, 2010
Summer Reading
I have the best memories of The Summer Reading Club, from when I was a little girl. It was a thrill to to write down my minutes, see my progress and turn in my log sheet. Every time my sister and I turned in a certain number of minutes we would get a prize, something that only a nostalgic memory can turn into the best prize ever: a pencil, a book mark, or a coupon for free a small free french fries at McDonald's. Those were the days.
We spent our summers reading all about the Brown's finding a bear at Paddington Station in Paddington Bear, I sat wide eyed at the idea of "gnashing of teeth" in the Wild Things and Cesi's first Posada Party in 9 Days till Christmas. As I got older I became absorbed in the adventures and real life problems of Ramona and Beezus, the romance of long ago in the Little Women and the mystery and heartache of Anne Frank's diary.
It helps that my mother loves books. Not only was she a librarian but as I found out in my later years of life, she is a very good writer. Her love for words was contagious to my sister and I, and we grew up in the libraries amongst the musty smell and tall rows and rows of books. There was something so enchanting about the volumes of old books at the downtown library. And something magical about being allowed to go to the "back" of the library were mom worked reserved for only the staff, where we played with due date cards and stamps and saw promotional posters of celebrities encouraging reading before they were hung in the public area. And always stacks and stacks of books.
Mom use to take us to an old bookstore downtown, usually just to browse, as we got the majority of our material at the library. This bookstore was 2, maybe even 3 levels high, with the first floor being a larger open shop type area, and up the old narrow staircase to the other levels, rooms and rooms, like an old apartment building and every room was full of bookshelves and volumes and volumes of books. It was a really neat place. Old chipped paint, and creaky wood floors and I remember that feeling you had as you walked through the aisles that people put there personal words on paper for the world to see. And that meant something so deep to me, I couldn't get over it.
So as you can see my love for books and reading and writing is deep rooted. We grew up reading, being read to and were taught the marvel of a good story very early on.
The kids and I signed up for the Summer Reading Challenge at the library yesterday (Zoe is an avid reader, Sid could take it or leave it- which is probably pretty typical for a 12 year old boy). Aaron took them to the library with their library cards and got us time log cards, crisp and empty, and checked out books. Now the prizes are chances to win things like an MP3 Player, or a netbook or a Kindle. That's a far cry from my bookmark! But its great incentive to get the kids to read for 30 minutes every day over the summer expanding there imagination and keeping there minds fresh.
Zoe is reading a book in the series of Vet Volunteer books, which is what she wants to be. Sid is reading a book called Bull Rider which I don't believe is what he wants to be. And I am reading a book called In the Woods which is an amazingly written mystery set in Dublin.
I will let you know what we think of these books, as book reviews should be a part of our scheduled summer activities :)
Happy reading- if you don't have a book you are reading this summer, go to your local library and get one- join your summer reading club!! Who doesn't like a free Kindle or a bookmark :) Or at the very least, a magical adventure.
We spent our summers reading all about the Brown's finding a bear at Paddington Station in Paddington Bear, I sat wide eyed at the idea of "gnashing of teeth" in the Wild Things and Cesi's first Posada Party in 9 Days till Christmas. As I got older I became absorbed in the adventures and real life problems of Ramona and Beezus, the romance of long ago in the Little Women and the mystery and heartache of Anne Frank's diary.
It helps that my mother loves books. Not only was she a librarian but as I found out in my later years of life, she is a very good writer. Her love for words was contagious to my sister and I, and we grew up in the libraries amongst the musty smell and tall rows and rows of books. There was something so enchanting about the volumes of old books at the downtown library. And something magical about being allowed to go to the "back" of the library were mom worked reserved for only the staff, where we played with due date cards and stamps and saw promotional posters of celebrities encouraging reading before they were hung in the public area. And always stacks and stacks of books.
Mom use to take us to an old bookstore downtown, usually just to browse, as we got the majority of our material at the library. This bookstore was 2, maybe even 3 levels high, with the first floor being a larger open shop type area, and up the old narrow staircase to the other levels, rooms and rooms, like an old apartment building and every room was full of bookshelves and volumes and volumes of books. It was a really neat place. Old chipped paint, and creaky wood floors and I remember that feeling you had as you walked through the aisles that people put there personal words on paper for the world to see. And that meant something so deep to me, I couldn't get over it.
So as you can see my love for books and reading and writing is deep rooted. We grew up reading, being read to and were taught the marvel of a good story very early on.
The kids and I signed up for the Summer Reading Challenge at the library yesterday (Zoe is an avid reader, Sid could take it or leave it- which is probably pretty typical for a 12 year old boy). Aaron took them to the library with their library cards and got us time log cards, crisp and empty, and checked out books. Now the prizes are chances to win things like an MP3 Player, or a netbook or a Kindle. That's a far cry from my bookmark! But its great incentive to get the kids to read for 30 minutes every day over the summer expanding there imagination and keeping there minds fresh.
Zoe is reading a book in the series of Vet Volunteer books, which is what she wants to be. Sid is reading a book called Bull Rider which I don't believe is what he wants to be. And I am reading a book called In the Woods which is an amazingly written mystery set in Dublin.
I will let you know what we think of these books, as book reviews should be a part of our scheduled summer activities :)
Happy reading- if you don't have a book you are reading this summer, go to your local library and get one- join your summer reading club!! Who doesn't like a free Kindle or a bookmark :) Or at the very least, a magical adventure.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pictures and Laughter
Wednesday morning the kids and I scrummaged through one of my pictures boxes that is waiting to be scrapbooked. The picutres in there range from Sidney being a baby (12 years ago), to much more recent events, like Sea World 2005.
Its amazing to me how time seems to have passed so quickly. Those images and stories about what we were doing this day or that day feel literally like yesterday to me.
There is this one picture of a 4 year old Zoe and 5 year old Sidney (before kindergarten). Zoe is on the couch not feeling well, having come home from school with an upset tummy- and Sid brought her every stuffed animal in the house and placed them on top of her to help her feel better. So in the pic all you really see are sweet brown eyes peering out from under a mountain of stuffed lovies. And the kids remembered all the details about that day.
There is another one of us at the beach the summer Sid broke his collar bone. I didn't think the kids remembered that trip very well, but as we started to look through image after image of the house we stayed at, and the abundant dinners we had, and the sun kissed shoulders, they started telling story after story about each picutre- and all the things they remembered really did happen.
I think it will be neat to scrapbook these memories with them and have them journal on the pages about what they remember.
To me it really does feel like it was yesterday.
But to hear it from there point of view is a treasure to me. Kids remember sights, smells and other details that I have long since forgotten. Its funny how much laughter can come out of old vacation photos.
I am hoping for more and more of that for many years :)
Its amazing to me how time seems to have passed so quickly. Those images and stories about what we were doing this day or that day feel literally like yesterday to me.
There is this one picture of a 4 year old Zoe and 5 year old Sidney (before kindergarten). Zoe is on the couch not feeling well, having come home from school with an upset tummy- and Sid brought her every stuffed animal in the house and placed them on top of her to help her feel better. So in the pic all you really see are sweet brown eyes peering out from under a mountain of stuffed lovies. And the kids remembered all the details about that day.
There is another one of us at the beach the summer Sid broke his collar bone. I didn't think the kids remembered that trip very well, but as we started to look through image after image of the house we stayed at, and the abundant dinners we had, and the sun kissed shoulders, they started telling story after story about each picutre- and all the things they remembered really did happen.
I think it will be neat to scrapbook these memories with them and have them journal on the pages about what they remember.
To me it really does feel like it was yesterday.
But to hear it from there point of view is a treasure to me. Kids remember sights, smells and other details that I have long since forgotten. Its funny how much laughter can come out of old vacation photos.
I am hoping for more and more of that for many years :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Bed Rest Part 2 Day 1 and a Night Gown
Well, it was short lived, but it was sure sweet~ I am back to bed rest.
Yesterday morning, I started bleeding and contracting. We called the doctor and they sent me to the downtown office for a sonogram and then to the Hulen office for a non stress test.
The results? More bed rest. My contractions were at about 4 an hour and the bleeding could be a sign of pre term labor or another subchorionic hematoma. We may never know. But there take on it is what ever I was doing while off bed rest isn't working. So back to bed I go.
MAJOR difference this time though. The kids are out of school. So I am getting my dreams of becoming a true stay at home mom with all the time in the world with my kids!! There is only one tiny catch. I can't "get up". This may seem troublesome to you. On the surface- I mean how much fun can a mama be when she has to stay on the couch or bed all day.
Let me tell you, I have been thinking about that non stop since yesterday mornings doctors visit. I am so bound and determined to make everything a success, that I have come up with a daily schedule (not on paper yet- but bouncing around my mind, much like an inventor that sees math equations just when thinking of his invention) (I don't actually know if that is how it works- I think Einstein probably thought that way and Good Will Hunting did too- and that man portrayed by Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind) (But without the schizophrenia, and horrid foster families) (Aaron is super smart and mathematical too- much like those 3 people I just mentioned, but again without the drama). Anyways, scheduled days with morning, afternoon and evening routines, with happy well rounded children are my goal. I want them to have the downtime they crave as part of the lure of summer, but too much free time causes CHAOS of the worst kind (I am reminded of a Lee Ann Rimes song about idle hands and jail time- fun to sing, but serious subject). So, structure it will be.
While I was having my small taste of sweet sweet freedom from the couch, the kids, Aaron and I went in search of some new work clothes for me. I found a couple of shirts and no pants and no shoes. But while I sat in the shoe dept, waiting for Sid and Aaron to finish trying on shoes, I remembered how my one major delima seemed to be itchy sleep attire. So I got up and was in search for a super soft, slightly modest night gown. (I mean it is summer and I am already hot all the time, so short and sleeveless was the goal)
I have never felt more loved than I did while shopping for that night gown. The opinions of my sweet family during this small search was astounding. "Mom, this one is so soft for you- you will sleep so well!" "But the lace on the edge will bother you- it feels itchy" "Hey look this one is reversible, you know in case you get tired of the same print" "This one is too short, it won't cover your belly" It was like I had been sent to the store with 3 personal shoppers that were taking my needs for a peaceful, non itching, night sleep very seriously. And I ended up with the best gown ever!! It is soft, thin and short and sleeveless, but still covers my enormous belly!
Thanks to my sweet kids and perfect husband I can "bed rest" in complete comfort!!
Happy Wednesday!
Yesterday morning, I started bleeding and contracting. We called the doctor and they sent me to the downtown office for a sonogram and then to the Hulen office for a non stress test.
The results? More bed rest. My contractions were at about 4 an hour and the bleeding could be a sign of pre term labor or another subchorionic hematoma. We may never know. But there take on it is what ever I was doing while off bed rest isn't working. So back to bed I go.
MAJOR difference this time though. The kids are out of school. So I am getting my dreams of becoming a true stay at home mom with all the time in the world with my kids!! There is only one tiny catch. I can't "get up". This may seem troublesome to you. On the surface- I mean how much fun can a mama be when she has to stay on the couch or bed all day.
Let me tell you, I have been thinking about that non stop since yesterday mornings doctors visit. I am so bound and determined to make everything a success, that I have come up with a daily schedule (not on paper yet- but bouncing around my mind, much like an inventor that sees math equations just when thinking of his invention) (I don't actually know if that is how it works- I think Einstein probably thought that way and Good Will Hunting did too- and that man portrayed by Russell Crowe in A Beautiful Mind) (But without the schizophrenia, and horrid foster families) (Aaron is super smart and mathematical too- much like those 3 people I just mentioned, but again without the drama). Anyways, scheduled days with morning, afternoon and evening routines, with happy well rounded children are my goal. I want them to have the downtime they crave as part of the lure of summer, but too much free time causes CHAOS of the worst kind (I am reminded of a Lee Ann Rimes song about idle hands and jail time- fun to sing, but serious subject). So, structure it will be.
While I was having my small taste of sweet sweet freedom from the couch, the kids, Aaron and I went in search of some new work clothes for me. I found a couple of shirts and no pants and no shoes. But while I sat in the shoe dept, waiting for Sid and Aaron to finish trying on shoes, I remembered how my one major delima seemed to be itchy sleep attire. So I got up and was in search for a super soft, slightly modest night gown. (I mean it is summer and I am already hot all the time, so short and sleeveless was the goal)
I have never felt more loved than I did while shopping for that night gown. The opinions of my sweet family during this small search was astounding. "Mom, this one is so soft for you- you will sleep so well!" "But the lace on the edge will bother you- it feels itchy" "Hey look this one is reversible, you know in case you get tired of the same print" "This one is too short, it won't cover your belly" It was like I had been sent to the store with 3 personal shoppers that were taking my needs for a peaceful, non itching, night sleep very seriously. And I ended up with the best gown ever!! It is soft, thin and short and sleeveless, but still covers my enormous belly!
Thanks to my sweet kids and perfect husband I can "bed rest" in complete comfort!!
Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Empty House and a Visit to Dr. K
So, the kids left for Kansas Sunday morning, before the sun had fully risen yet.
Jennifer drover her car with Kayla, Ashley and Zoe and Dad followed in his Highlander with Sid and Rex (the schnauzer). I normally fret and worry and fret some more over the kids going anywhere with out me- much less out of state! But this time, it felt right. I KNEW they were going to have a great time! Jennifer is the FUN MAKER and what better place to start the summer than with the FUN MAKER and her super fun family and my dad!
The rest of Sunday, I think I sat on the floor and oohed and ahhed once more over the dozens of things we got at the shower for little miss Aubrey!
Aaron's mom Pam has these friends Vicki and Alice (actually Pam, Alice and Vicki are the cutest adult best friends I have ever seen). Vicki and Alice came to the shower and Vicki gave Aubrey this hand crocheted pink blanket that it took her two weeks to make!! When I lifted it out of the bag, I knew right away that she had hand crafted this baby soft snugly wrap with loving care for our baby. It puts my tiny remnants of crocheted string to such shame- I can't believe I thought in the short time I was on bed rest, I would be able to make anything like this- it is a work of art- from the heart of Vicki to our daughter!! I will post a picture! (later)
We had a Dr's apt with Dr. K on Monday. I am released to go back to work!! (SIGH GASP!) I cannot climb stairs, I cannot walk for more than 4 hours, I cannot be exposed to sudden temperature change (hello Texas summer). Other than that, I am a working girl once again!
I will miss you couch, but not THAT much.
We also changed the inducing date to July 26th- Aaron's birthday is the 27th. So we feel really good about this date- it gives Aubrey a little more time to cook and us another week to prepare. We talked a little bit about the induction and our hopes for how it goes. We are scheduled for 5 AM, as we get closer, we will re evaluate the "condition" of my cervix and if I should spend the night at the hospital the night before. I think Dr. K is very happy with the way Aubrey is handling the Lovenox and growing. She was all smiles this visit.
I don't even have to go back and see her until June 28th!!
Keep praying this baby keeps flourishing and PRAISE! No More Bed Rest :)
Now, with this empty house, I think I will just settle in to bed and watch Glee .
Jennifer drover her car with Kayla, Ashley and Zoe and Dad followed in his Highlander with Sid and Rex (the schnauzer). I normally fret and worry and fret some more over the kids going anywhere with out me- much less out of state! But this time, it felt right. I KNEW they were going to have a great time! Jennifer is the FUN MAKER and what better place to start the summer than with the FUN MAKER and her super fun family and my dad!
The rest of Sunday, I think I sat on the floor and oohed and ahhed once more over the dozens of things we got at the shower for little miss Aubrey!
Aaron's mom Pam has these friends Vicki and Alice (actually Pam, Alice and Vicki are the cutest adult best friends I have ever seen). Vicki and Alice came to the shower and Vicki gave Aubrey this hand crocheted pink blanket that it took her two weeks to make!! When I lifted it out of the bag, I knew right away that she had hand crafted this baby soft snugly wrap with loving care for our baby. It puts my tiny remnants of crocheted string to such shame- I can't believe I thought in the short time I was on bed rest, I would be able to make anything like this- it is a work of art- from the heart of Vicki to our daughter!! I will post a picture! (later)
We had a Dr's apt with Dr. K on Monday. I am released to go back to work!! (SIGH GASP!) I cannot climb stairs, I cannot walk for more than 4 hours, I cannot be exposed to sudden temperature change (hello Texas summer). Other than that, I am a working girl once again!
I will miss you couch, but not THAT much.
We also changed the inducing date to July 26th- Aaron's birthday is the 27th. So we feel really good about this date- it gives Aubrey a little more time to cook and us another week to prepare. We talked a little bit about the induction and our hopes for how it goes. We are scheduled for 5 AM, as we get closer, we will re evaluate the "condition" of my cervix and if I should spend the night at the hospital the night before. I think Dr. K is very happy with the way Aubrey is handling the Lovenox and growing. She was all smiles this visit.
I don't even have to go back and see her until June 28th!!
Keep praying this baby keeps flourishing and PRAISE! No More Bed Rest :)
Now, with this empty house, I think I will just settle in to bed and watch Glee .
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Aubrey's Baby Shower
Saturday, my beautiful friend Lacey and my beautiful sister Jennifer threw Aubrey and I a baby shower. I don't have any pics yet, but will add a few when I get them.
It was incredible. The "theme" was pink and chocolate (the colors we have chosen for Aubrey's nursery/corner of the master suite). The cake was this awesome over the top 2 layer banana cake with pink and chocolate fondant- WOW! It was so rich and yummy, three bites in, I thought Aubrey was gonna kick a hole in my lungs with delight! That girl loves her bananas!!
The decorations were so cute and the food so yummy. Even the little girls all got cups of candy with little baby things in them. I can't wait to show pics!
It was great being surrounded by so many strong and sweet women. Everyone of them bought Aubrey the cutest sweetest softest things. I have never seen more pink outfits in my life (except maybe at Zoe's shower 11 years ago).
Aubrey now has her crib set (It is ADORABLE), bathtub, pack and play, diapers, numerous outfits and enough lovies and diapers to see her through!
I felt so blessed and so tired after the party! It was great to be with family and friends and celebrate the upcoming arrival of our Aubrey!
It was incredible. The "theme" was pink and chocolate (the colors we have chosen for Aubrey's nursery/corner of the master suite). The cake was this awesome over the top 2 layer banana cake with pink and chocolate fondant- WOW! It was so rich and yummy, three bites in, I thought Aubrey was gonna kick a hole in my lungs with delight! That girl loves her bananas!!
The decorations were so cute and the food so yummy. Even the little girls all got cups of candy with little baby things in them. I can't wait to show pics!
It was great being surrounded by so many strong and sweet women. Everyone of them bought Aubrey the cutest sweetest softest things. I have never seen more pink outfits in my life (except maybe at Zoe's shower 11 years ago).
Aubrey now has her crib set (It is ADORABLE), bathtub, pack and play, diapers, numerous outfits and enough lovies and diapers to see her through!
I felt so blessed and so tired after the party! It was great to be with family and friends and celebrate the upcoming arrival of our Aubrey!
Saturday, June 05, 2010
Could It Be?
I had a sonogram on Wednesday and called my Dr to get the results on Thursday.
Ladies and Gentlmen, it looks like I am OFF bed rest!!!! I have still been advised to take it easy! And I won't know all my restrictions until my Dr's appt Monday with Dr. K. But no blood clots are a green light to get off the couch and resume normal activities :)
Of course, I immediatley hung up with the nurse and went to run 50,000 errands, and did myself in- pedicures, lunch and Hobby Lobby wiht mom, then Friday Sam Moon, laundry, shoe store, Justice with Zoe. but I am slowly learning to pace myself. What an odd feeling it is, to want to do SO much, and not be able to physically keep up with it all!
Sorry dear blog- you may be seeing less of me, but I have grown to love you!!
As Zoe would say "Peace out yall!" Double chest pump and a peace sign.
Ladies and Gentlmen, it looks like I am OFF bed rest!!!! I have still been advised to take it easy! And I won't know all my restrictions until my Dr's appt Monday with Dr. K. But no blood clots are a green light to get off the couch and resume normal activities :)
Of course, I immediatley hung up with the nurse and went to run 50,000 errands, and did myself in- pedicures, lunch and Hobby Lobby wiht mom, then Friday Sam Moon, laundry, shoe store, Justice with Zoe. but I am slowly learning to pace myself. What an odd feeling it is, to want to do SO much, and not be able to physically keep up with it all!
Sorry dear blog- you may be seeing less of me, but I have grown to love you!!
As Zoe would say "Peace out yall!" Double chest pump and a peace sign.
Friday, June 04, 2010
I Was Never Alone
Philipians 4:13
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
This time that I have spent alone on the couch day in and day out has taught me a thing or two about patience. About solitude. About listening to yor body and slowing down.
A lot of days that I have been on my own have been very relaxing, and some, I won't lie, have been full of tears and zero grooming.
But isn't that life? There are ups and downs, even when you are alone on the couch.
And I haven't truly been alone.
I can't belive even though I have my own children and I know about a mothers love, my own mother's love for me still amazes and humbles me. With a happy heart, she has made my lunch, washed my dishes, fed and cleaned up after my OCD dog, scrubbed my bathroom. She has once again extended herself to help me out- and whats even more amazing, she makes you believe that she wouldn't rather be anywhere else in the world.
I am not an easy patient, I know. I get depressed, I get frusterated, I get quiet. But mom never gave up on me- even when I snapped at her for telling Sid something. She understood.
What a mom I have, that cares so much for me and can give me so much grace. That's how I picutre Jesus. Just like my mom :)
Thanks mom for always always loving me. And never ever leaving me alone :)
I can do all things through him who strengthens me.
This time that I have spent alone on the couch day in and day out has taught me a thing or two about patience. About solitude. About listening to yor body and slowing down.
A lot of days that I have been on my own have been very relaxing, and some, I won't lie, have been full of tears and zero grooming.
But isn't that life? There are ups and downs, even when you are alone on the couch.
And I haven't truly been alone.
I can't belive even though I have my own children and I know about a mothers love, my own mother's love for me still amazes and humbles me. With a happy heart, she has made my lunch, washed my dishes, fed and cleaned up after my OCD dog, scrubbed my bathroom. She has once again extended herself to help me out- and whats even more amazing, she makes you believe that she wouldn't rather be anywhere else in the world.
I am not an easy patient, I know. I get depressed, I get frusterated, I get quiet. But mom never gave up on me- even when I snapped at her for telling Sid something. She understood.
What a mom I have, that cares so much for me and can give me so much grace. That's how I picutre Jesus. Just like my mom :)
Thanks mom for always always loving me. And never ever leaving me alone :)
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Babies in My Bed
After my dinner with Aaron, last night, the kids came home from moms. They both took their showers and found themselves in bed with mama watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. I wasn't really watching the movie, as my mind was pre occupied, but they seemed to really enjoy it (though they did request that we fast forward through some inappropriate Jessica Rabbit scenes. Poor Jessica Rabbit isn't really bad "I'm just drawn this way"- I can relate sister! Its a hard life being this HOT- LOL) It really is NOT my favorite movie- the toon killed my brother, the smoky bars, that annoying rabbit.
Anyways, having the kids in my bed cuddled up with me is one of my favorite things in my world. Especially when they are fresh from the shower, smelling like soap and there cheeks pink and freshly scrubbed. And Aubrey safe in her belly bed not here enough yet to enjoy the movie, but enough to enjoy the warm cuddles she gets from her mama's belly. (32 weeks and 4.5 lbs)
After the doctors visit, Aaron and I talked about a time when Aubrey isn't in my belly and in a car seat in the back. Because of my physical discomfort lately he asked if I would be so thankful to have her out of me and in the car seat. I thought about it and told him, I prefer her safe in my belly close to me. There is something so comforting about her being right here with me all the time, squirming, rolling, sleeping, right with in me. Every where I go right now, Aubrey goes too, free of strollers and car seats. I hold my baby :)
Last night on my bed, I held Zoe, as she lay lazily across my lap, so I could stroke her hair,her rosy cheeks, her baby soft shoulders both of us under big fluffy sheets and bed spread and a dozen or so pillows. Sid piled on too with his head toward the end of the bed and his feet in my lap, so I could rub them. (His feet are growing so they are sore, but OH SO SOFT!) We always rub feet in our house- I grew up in a rubbing feet household, as Aaron likes to call it, and as a parent, I understand why mom and dad where always more than willing to rub our feet when asked. Cause after a certain age, kids don't slow down, they don't spend time with you and gush information about their day. Things change, and ipods and there own things in there own rooms take the place of your cuddles. But offer to massage there feet or "tickle back" as Zoe prefers and you got a bed full of kids. Close to you, tangled up with you just like when they were 5. Its an awesome feeling. I will do anything to spend time with my kids. Even hours of feet rubbing :) I prefer fresh from the shower feet but any feet will do.
I'm just the kind of mama who likes to have all 3 of my babies in bed with me. Its an incredible feeling, and I don't ever want days like that to come to an end. I wonder how long this will last? How old they will be before they don't want to lie in be with me? Probably till I get tired of massaging feet or they go to college.
Until then, I will offer every chance I get- even if it means I have to endure Roger Rabbit.
Anyways, having the kids in my bed cuddled up with me is one of my favorite things in my world. Especially when they are fresh from the shower, smelling like soap and there cheeks pink and freshly scrubbed. And Aubrey safe in her belly bed not here enough yet to enjoy the movie, but enough to enjoy the warm cuddles she gets from her mama's belly. (32 weeks and 4.5 lbs)
After the doctors visit, Aaron and I talked about a time when Aubrey isn't in my belly and in a car seat in the back. Because of my physical discomfort lately he asked if I would be so thankful to have her out of me and in the car seat. I thought about it and told him, I prefer her safe in my belly close to me. There is something so comforting about her being right here with me all the time, squirming, rolling, sleeping, right with in me. Every where I go right now, Aubrey goes too, free of strollers and car seats. I hold my baby :)
Last night on my bed, I held Zoe, as she lay lazily across my lap, so I could stroke her hair,her rosy cheeks, her baby soft shoulders both of us under big fluffy sheets and bed spread and a dozen or so pillows. Sid piled on too with his head toward the end of the bed and his feet in my lap, so I could rub them. (His feet are growing so they are sore, but OH SO SOFT!) We always rub feet in our house- I grew up in a rubbing feet household, as Aaron likes to call it, and as a parent, I understand why mom and dad where always more than willing to rub our feet when asked. Cause after a certain age, kids don't slow down, they don't spend time with you and gush information about their day. Things change, and ipods and there own things in there own rooms take the place of your cuddles. But offer to massage there feet or "tickle back" as Zoe prefers and you got a bed full of kids. Close to you, tangled up with you just like when they were 5. Its an awesome feeling. I will do anything to spend time with my kids. Even hours of feet rubbing :) I prefer fresh from the shower feet but any feet will do.
I'm just the kind of mama who likes to have all 3 of my babies in bed with me. Its an incredible feeling, and I don't ever want days like that to come to an end. I wonder how long this will last? How old they will be before they don't want to lie in be with me? Probably till I get tired of massaging feet or they go to college.
Until then, I will offer every chance I get- even if it means I have to endure Roger Rabbit.
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Two Became One
Aaron and I have been married for 3 years today.
I am so in love with my husband, it is no secret.
And he is equally mesmerized by me.
You know that thing that people talk about when you find your soul mate, when you find the person that you are meant to spend the rest of your life with they say: "You'll just know!"? We got that.
You know the feeling you get when you are in complete, humble awe of God's love for you? We got that too.
You know the scene in a movie that make you cry at the pure way the screenwriter has captured what LOVE truly is? We got that covered.
You know the feeling that comes over you during your favorite love song, with soul touching lyrics that talk about how life is all about the one you love? Thats where we live.
Do you ever see the cute old couples that hold hands, and still pray together at the resturaunt and he stands when she heads to the restroom and she picks out all the little pieces of pepper that he doesn't like? Thats where we are headed.
Have you ever known what it truly means to complete another person? We are there.
Aaron and I know each other through and through.
We continue to be one upon OUR rock Jesus Christ as we complete our lives together.
I give my all to him, and he gives his all to me.
Aaron you mean everything to me, I honestly love you today and always.
Looking forward to our date tonight!
...a man shall be joined to his wife ...and they become one.......Genisis 2:24
I am so in love with my husband, it is no secret.
And he is equally mesmerized by me.
You know that thing that people talk about when you find your soul mate, when you find the person that you are meant to spend the rest of your life with they say: "You'll just know!"? We got that.
You know the feeling you get when you are in complete, humble awe of God's love for you? We got that too.
You know the scene in a movie that make you cry at the pure way the screenwriter has captured what LOVE truly is? We got that covered.
You know the feeling that comes over you during your favorite love song, with soul touching lyrics that talk about how life is all about the one you love? Thats where we live.
Do you ever see the cute old couples that hold hands, and still pray together at the resturaunt and he stands when she heads to the restroom and she picks out all the little pieces of pepper that he doesn't like? Thats where we are headed.
Have you ever known what it truly means to complete another person? We are there.
Aaron and I know each other through and through.
We continue to be one upon OUR rock Jesus Christ as we complete our lives together.
I give my all to him, and he gives his all to me.
Aaron you mean everything to me, I honestly love you today and always.
Looking forward to our date tonight!
...a man shall be joined to his wife ...and they become one.......Genisis 2:24
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
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