We had a great father's day weekend.
Aaron requested some rest and relaxation and I hope he got enough- I tried to let him sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. Hard to do when you are on bed rest. But he deserves it :)
We had my dad over on Saturday along with my mom and Aunt Sandy. We ate chicken, okra, and mashed potato's and opened gifts and laughed and had so much fun together. The kids got grandpa a water bottle cause he is a bike rider (or a bicyclist rather) and he needs to stay hydrated. We got him a Starbucks gift card cause he is a busy grandpa and he needs to stay caffinated :)
Zoe got Aaron a grill set with tongs, scrubby brush thing and burger flipper thing. He is really good with a grill and made awesome pork chops the other day :) Sid got Aaron Shutter Island DVD starring Leonardo DiCaprio. I think Leo DiCaprio is the best- him and Matt Damon. You see a movie with those guys and you know its gonna be a good one. Aaron and I saw Shutter Island in the theatre and it was creepy- I mean super creepy!! But good.
We went over to the May's (I sat on the couch) Saturday night- the kids swam and we watched Transformers 2- I cannot remember the actual name- but it was great. Dellis grilled burgers and they were delicious!
Today Aaron's parents went out to Nicole's for father's day lunch and brought back the crib that Nicole is going to let us borrow for Aubrey! Its amazing! We promptly put it together and put in the bedding- when I say we I mean the kids and Aaron. Here are the pictures :)

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