Friday, April 30, 2010
TV Shows this Week
I really don't. I have like 3 or 4 tv shows that I DVR and I catch up on whenever I can (usually a week or so later) I rarely watch anything live.
But since I have been on bed rest, I have been able to watch the shows the NEXT day- which may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you watch reality TV with results, it is hard not the "hear" the results during the week that it takes me to finally find a square of time to watch, thus taking out the fun of watching.
So here are my thoughts on this weeks programming. (If you have DVR'd any of the below mentioned shows, do not continue to read! SPOILER ALERT)
I absolutely love this show. It is pure genius as far as I am concerned. The singing, the story lines, the characters. Mr. Schooster and Sue are brilliant in there roles as the "coach" of the glee club and coach of the Cheer-ios cheerleader squad.
This week on Glee we find Mr. Schooster lonely in his home by himself, after his split up from his wife, and Emma's decision to not date him right now. Enter Kristen Chenoweth as April and you have some of the best duets I have ever seen since Sandy and Danny from Grease!! I was on my couch literally thinking that I must have lost my mind to be crying over a tv musical- but it WORKS! It is sooooo good! The emotions are SO raw and real and.......well, I know its fake, but its my favorite show right now.
I also really LOVED Mercedes singing Beautiful, after being beat down by other cheerios and Sue for not being thin enough. Sue's face was priceless!!
I am guessing the season finale will be the birth of Quinn and Puck's baby.
American Idol
I realize how unpopular I am with my support for Shibian Magnus, or Chavonn Magnus, or however you spell her name. But I really liked her. And I was sad to see her go.
I am otherwise pretty tired of this group. Every week, Casey James is the same, Crystal "Mamasox" is great, Big Mike is the same. They just picked mediocre people this time around. I don't like the song choices, none of the songs they choose are great songs!
I find myself shouting at the TV screen in a British accent "You didn't make the song sound current!!"
And I am increasingly tired of the hour long results show. It just isn't necessary.
Lee DeWyze is growing on me though. He seems to improve some each week.
I am begginng to wonder if I am the only one in America that doesn't enjoy Aaron Kelly.
I can close my eyes and his voice isn't all that great to me- and he looks like an unpopular member of an unpopular boyband.
Like Danny in NKOTB- did anyone like him? He looked like a horse to me.
Sad to see Shibian go- and don't really care about the others.
I may stop watching.
Dancing With the Stars
We are not real big fans of Kate Gosselin in our household. Since the split from Jon, she has just become more of a hypocrit and cry me a river type woman than I have ever seen in my life. I KNOW single momming it is hard, and it has to be SUPER hard with 8 kids. Which is all the more reason to gracefully fade back into the woodwork from where you came. Go be a mom.
But she got kicked off last week, and so I don't even really have to talk about her.
Every season there seems to be a few "Stars" who have a "dancing" background. It is no surprise to me week after week that Popstar Nicole and Ice Skater Evan are GREAT!
What impresses me more are the Niecy Nash's and the Bachelor types. When they do well, that is an actual accomplishment!
I was sad to see the Bachelor go.
Dancing with the stars always, always makes me want to eat salad and broiled fish and spend 20 hours on a treadmill- will I ever have legs like Cheryl or Chelsea? I doubt it, but its easy to dream while on the couch all day.
On that note, I must go wash my hair and get ready to watch last nights Vampire Diaries!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Fractured Pinky

One I like to call a little thing called "post traumatic stress disorder". It has just been too overwhelming to think about.
The other is more along the lines of "sick and tired of medical professionals". Almost to the point that I can't talk about medical professionals with out one of my family members saying something along the lines of "just let it go" or "yes, but lets not get worked up about that again".
So, anyways, I haven't talked about this yet, but I thought it was time. I think I am over it.
April 14th, Zoe and Sid were playing football in the backyard- tossing it back and forth more or less. It was a miracle that they were getting along, to be honest, and I wasn't the least bit surprised when Zoe comes crashing through the backdoor, crying, cradling her left arm.
My daughter can be somewhat dramatic and I think has come in crying in the same fashion for things as little as "her hair hurts" or "Sid won't let me talk".... SO I didn't think too much of it, though the arm/hand cradling was new.
Anyways she came in, already in tears and I couldn't make out what she was saying, and Sid was right behind her apologizing, (which was proof to me right there that he didn't do anything on purpose, cause Sid is a guilty disappearer- if that is a word) and it was a whole ball of messy, sweaty, crying chaos.
So, Zoe and I went into her and Sid's bathroom (really my bathroom too, cause Aaron and I don't share a bathroom- but that is another post). I began running cold water over the now identified injured pinky, and am instantly surprised at the level of swelling and purpleness. It was one of those moments, were you think to yourself "So, THAT is what a broken finger looks like!!"
So, in a calmer than normal moment for me, I tell Aaron we are heading to the local Urgent Care place, and he briefly examines the finger and tries to do a little medical diagnosing while I grab my flip flops and purse.
Our local urgent care facility was pretty busy, and the very sweet receptionist informed me that we might wait about 45 minutes.
I was sweet right back and informed the receptionist that we may have a broken digit, the baby finger at that, and she sweetly informed me that the wait may be 45 minutes, even for that "issue".
So, Zoe and I settled in and turned our attention to the family style movie that was playing.
She was somewhat distracted by the tv, but was obviously still in pain, and I wanted to soothe and comfort her anyway I could, I stroked her hair, rubbed her back, snuggled her in, kissed her cheeks, told her I loved her, and might have tried to gather her up in my lap. And that was all in the first 3 minutes of being there.
I stopped when she leaned far away from me and gave me that look, that more resembled a mortified teenager, than my baby girl with her purple hand in an ice pack and kitchen towel. So, I stayed in my seat and she in hers till we were called back.
They asked a series of questions, mostly the same ones about how it happened over and over again, I assumed to make sure the "football" story held water and they didn't need to call CPS on me. Then the Dr came in, and I can describe him only as sleepy.
Like could barely keep his eyes open sleepy.
He suggested x-rays and after 6 x-rays (3 of each hand- which to me screams "I better get an x-ray of an uninjured hand, cause I don't have any idea WHAT I am looking for") he comes back in, rubbing his sleepy eyes and says "I think it is jammed."
Insert pregnant mama lion here.
"Really, cause it looks BROKEN to me!!" I was annoyed, I am not gonna lie.
He seemed a smidge startled by my tone, but still I think he actually yawned while he said "We will splint it today, and send it off in the morning to be read by a radiologist. Then we will call you once we know."
So, we returned home in a splint, just after 10 pm and Zoe was pretty hyped up having her first ever X-rays and splint. I was worked up, Aaron could tell.
To be honest I don't recall how we got her to sleep that night- I may have blocked that out.
I spent the following day home from work with her, cause it was still in pain and we diligently did R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression and elevate). My mom found this information on the internet for all sports related injuries.
I called several times and spoke with another sweet receptionist who told me they had not heard anything from the radiologist yet, but to stay calm and someone would call me.
Fast forward to Friday (the same Friday we headed to Tulsa) and I call AGAIN to the urgent care and speak with sweet receptionist number 3, who informs me they JUST got the results and it is indeed fractured and the radiologist suggests we see an orthopedics.
So I call Zoe's pediatrician who schedules and appointment for us on Monday and refers us to an orthopedics whom we schedule in for Tuesday.
We arrive at the orthopedics 2 hours early (pregnancy and thinking don't often go hand in hand) so we leave and go walk around Target for like an hour and then go eat McDonalds were Zoe discovered CinnaMelts or something equally sugary and gooey.
When we got back to the Dr, we were quickly taken back, and they took more x-rays.
The doctor came back in and said " we are going to need to cast this".
"Oh!" Was my response "A pinky cast?" I thought that was odd. And a little extreme.
"No, an arm cast"....."A full arm cast"
Mine and Zoe's jaws dropped at the same time. The doctor went on to explain that children with hand injuries tend to still play rough, thus knocking the arms and hands around and unless we bind and protect this finger, it could cause further problems in the future.
So, Zoe excitedly picked out a very pretty shade of blue, and they casted her up while I sat there still kind of confused as to why we needed a cast all the way up to the elbow for a fractured pinky.
Zoe stayed excited for about 5 minutes, and the itching started and hot spots and general annoyance and discomfort and sweat. And I was left wishing we would've gotten a second opinion on the whole cast thing.
I put her to sleep that night, rubbing her back till she fell asleep, cause she was so uncomfortable.
After 24 hours of complaining about not being able to wiggle her fingers and general tightness, I called the orthopedics office back and they reassured me that the first 24 hours is often like that, and that it should "loosen on its own" which it has.
Zoe only has 2 weeks left of the cast, and she actually hasn't minded too much. And I am relishing in the extra help she needs from me with showers and getting dressed.
Before we know it- those "3 weeks" that Zoe had a cast will be a memory.
A memory of a time she still needed her mama :)
But we better not encounter any more yawning Dr's in the future. I don't know if I can take it!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Inherited Strength
I went to the bathroom immediately, and sure enough: more spotting. My heart sank a little as I told Aaron and called the doctor.
And then the next 20 minutes are kind of a blur- I climbed back into bed waiting for the on call nurse to call me back, and Aaron went into daddy mode- something I can only describe as amazing. He was more stoic, more brave, more protective, more loving, more helpful, than he is ALREADY daily. For those of you who know my Aaron- he is a pillar of strength- emotional and physical: he exudes it.
Sid was just a 1st grader when we started dating and he was describing mama's date to grandma and he said "He's like a....warrior."
Ha Ha! That still makes me laugh. Everything about him screams gentle giant- huge hands, shoulders like boulders, kind heart, deep eyes, no nonsense grin.
Anyways enough about my perfect husband. I promise to list his flaws in my next post LOL
The on call nurse called me back and advised we go to the maternity triage center at the hospital I will deliver at. I wasn't surprised by this.
We prayed with the kids and mom rushed over to stay with them and we left.
It was an odd feeling as we drove to the hospital together hand in hand.
Unspoken prayers of the baby being fine (which I still felt kicking)
Fear of placental abrubtion.
Aaron preparing me to not be anxious or surprised if they give me steroids, or an IV.
His last statement surprised me, I knew steroids would be to strengthen the babies lungs quickly, and that is when it hit me, that if I did have placental abrubtion, and the baby was in distress, we would deliver.
At 25 weeks.
I put on a brave face to match Aaron's and we prayed, and we talked about baby names, and I thought a million thoughts about car seats and cribs, and phone calls. I was getting really anxious.
Upon arriving to the hospital, the entire staff very nice.
We got into a room, which was nice, and I got into a gown and into bed. I was slightly squeamish about the fact that I have NOT been keeping up with toenail paintings and shaving- something I have now made a priority.
But really I just wanted to hear the words that the baby is FINE and I can go back home.
The nurse asked me a million questions, I signed a million forms, permission for a c section, permission for delivery, permission for neo natal care.
Once we had the fetal monitor in place and I could hear her sweet heartbeat and all those swoosh sounds from her kicks, the nurse seemed to like what she was hearing- no distress and "She has a strong heartbeat and strong kicks."She checked my cervix, more good news- everything was still snug- NO signs of placental abrubtion!! PRAISES!
The doctor came in, and he gave his diagnosis that it was part of the subchorionic hematoma bleeding out, to continue bed rest, plenty of water and follow up with my doctor.
So back home we went and here I sit. Our relief felt almost heavier than the worry on the car ride home. I am SO thankful that our sweet baby girl will be safe in my womb for a while longer.
We keep praying.
I go to sleep in prayer and wake up in prayer. Prayer for complete healing, prayer for no complications, prayer for full term, prayer for strength.
When this little girl meets the world, I will tell her that her daddy is a warrior! And she is to0!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tulsa and a Little Rest
The next morning we went the aquarium where we did a lot of walking- but probably no more than a normal marathon day of shopping. Aaron and I had a day like that a while back where we bought Zoe like 4 shirts- and she did not like even ONE of them. She is getting harder and harder to shop for. Anyways, much like that shopping trip, I started to feel some pelvic pressure! I did what just about every mom would do, and popped 2 Tylenol and kept up with the kids. The kids had a great time touching the "feel able" exhibits- shrimp, horseshoe crabs, even starfish and a shark egg. Sid wasn't so into the touching exhibits, but he enjoyed feeding the snapping turtles and he marveled several times that Aaron and I could've have gotten married right under the giant shark tank- there were posters everywhere promoting this feature that the aquarium could offer- HILARIOUS!
Back to the hotel, where we played cards and watched various scenes from Shrek, and I was still feeling pressure and just general discomfort.
In the morning, I realized I had spotted some while I was sleeping.
I calmly (I don;t know WHY I was so calm- that is not my normal manner at all) I called my doctors office, told my mom I had bleed a little bit while I was asleep, and took a shower.
Feeling my sweet baby girl kick a few times while I was in the shower did bring tears of joy to my eyes, but I still wasn't panicked.
After my shower we packed up and the nurse called me back, stating that if the bleeding had stopped then I could drive back the 5 hours to Fort Worth, otherwise, I would have to go to a hospital immediately!
In hindsight that must have been why I was being so calm, cause I knew my goal, and that was to get myself and the kids in the car and back to Fort Worth (aka Aaron) as soon as possible. I think I might have even started trying to tell myself I could drive the 5 hours in 3- no problem.
But I didn't drive, I couldn't. Mom drove and did awesome, I am sure she was shaken up, by the heaviness of the precious cargo she was transporting- but she didn't waiver! (GO MOM)
The bleeding stopped, I got home and was in the arms of my loving supportive husband.
Fast forward to my appt on Wednesday- Aaron was with me, We were looking forward to the sonogram a chance to see our tiny baby girl again (who is starting not to feel so tiny). The sono tech did some measuring and took some cute pictures of hands and feet and her mouth was open! I teared up the way I do at every sono gram. She took images of the fibroids that I have had the whole pregnancy.
Then she asked if I had any pain in a certain area- right below the bra line, at the top of my cute little baby bump- I told her I did, that is an area that always feels sore, like it is stretching rapidly.
I assumed it was another fibroid.
We met in the office with Dr. K. She asked some questions and did some measurements and then told us, that the last image was another subchorionic hematoma.
I say another cause I had one earlier in pregnancy, that ended up dissolving on its own. That is the best outcome, that or bleeding it out.
The fear would be a placental abruption, that would be the placenta separating from the uterine wall. Which of course would put the baby at risk with lack of oxygen and lack of blood flow.
Dr. K has put me on bed rest.
This is day 4 of my bed rest and plenty has happened since that Wednesday appointment.
I will have to write it in another post.
I will say this before I go. Resting is hard. Harder than you would think. But the most important thing is that we deliver this beautiful baby girl and not a moment before she is ready.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
That Darn Snooze Button
Did he ever over sleep and run late for a miracle, or was he ever too busy snoozing that he had to skip breakfast to make it to the lake to talk to the fisherman? I think not.
Not that over sleeping is a sin- I don't think it is. So, who knows, maybe he did.
It's just not very responsible- which he no doubt was VERY!
I have a HUGE problem with getting up on time- this problem started to be a daily issue a few weeks ago, and I more than likely have made it worse, by obsessing over it.
My morning "wake up" tone on my cell goes off about 5:45, and I have to be up by 6:15- AT THE LATEST. Well, at 5:45, I don't even crack open my eyelids, I turn over, noisily, and thrust my hand in the direction of the noise, usually knocking my cell phone off the bedside table and go right back on sleeping. 5 minutes later, this happens again. By the 3rd of 4th time I am now somewhat awake.
But that is when the bargaining starts within my head and it goes a little something like this.
"You don't have to shave or wash your hair this morning, so you can sleep for 5 more minutes."
Then an odd sort of prayer starts as I drift back to sleep. "Lord, thank you for getting me up this morning, I know I should be up, and when the alarm goes off the next time, I know that you will WILL my feet to swing off the side of the bed, and I will rise......" I fall back asleep, and just begin dreaming when it goes off again.
Beep beep beep!
5 minutes.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
5 minutes
This, for real, goes on until 6:45- so a full hour of snoozing for just 5 more minutes! Its pathetic! PATHETIC!!
And somewhere in there, my sweet husbands alarm will go off- his is set to some soft rock radio station, and I turn to him, cause he is sleeping right threw it and I shout whisper "Turn off that dang noise!!" Or something equally as classy. Unless its a slow soft song, like Kate Melua's "Just Like Heaven" or Goo Goo Dolls "Better Days" or something that helps with my prayer and my 5 more minutes. But usually its not and Aaron gets the ugly verbiage, from his wife with callywonk hair, eye crusties and a little drool.
Then at 6:45 with out fail, I sit up, look at the clock and SLOWLY it begins to register....."Am I late? Are we going to be late?" My internal talk at this point is more like mad man chatter along the lines of trying to add and subtract segments of time, that don't really matter- all that matters is that it is 6:45 and we MUST be out the door at 7:25 at the latest!!!
So I panic! I throw off the covers, I whisper shout to Aaron that I need HELP!! He stirs, but doesn't get up! I use the restroom, cause I am 6 months pregnant and when I stand up gravity does numbers on my bladder, and bolt down the hall to my sweet sleeping angels, who, much like there mama totally ignore the first 9 times I tell them "You must get up now, sweet angel, we only have X amount of minutes to go."
FINALLY at 7 AM, I am showered, and dressed, but no hair curled no make up on. The kids are yawning and putting on clothes. I am now on full adrenaline and am making lunches, slamming cabinets and shouting down the hall "Sid are you up??!!" "Zoe, don't forget your assignment book!!"
And I am so guilt ridden. I use to not be this way- I use to be fanatical about getting up on time. The kids too. And we are never late mind you- but hectic morning = hectic day and we desreve better!! They deserve better!!
So... The title of my post may seem a little confusing. Is it really the snooze buttons fault? I would say no.
I am on a mission to solve this dilemma. A miracle type mission.
It is my goal for the rest of the week to get up on time.
Maybe if I want to get up at 6 AM, I should set my alarm for 6 AM, and set the phone across the room, and set the coffee pot up next to my bed, so all I have to do is reach over and click the button and that wonderful Starbucks aroma will whip me out of any coma.
I don't know if it will- I will let you know how it turns out.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Longest Week Ever
Between important meetings at work, Aaron's test at school, Zoe TAKS test at school and new maternity clothes being torn and unwearable, getting thorough this week was probably as close as I have come in years to a catastrophe.
Even the normal joy that comes with Friday's was tainted with disaster.
I even dreamed of conflict of the oddest kind.
Long dream short, I was cleaning the house of a very wealthy man, and decided to steal some bracelet's and then bolt before the wife caught me. Of course she did catch me and she ripped those charmed things right out of my yellow plastic gloves I had been wearing to clean her kitchen. I have always had crazy dreams, but these pregnancy dreams have taken the cake.
Only when I woke up today and realized the sun was just rising, the family was still sleeping and I had NOTHING to do except get a cup of coffee, make a bowl of cereal and start my laundry, did I feel the tension leave my shoulders.
Ahh Saturday. So glad you are here for me :)
I just have a few things on my to do list this weekend. At one o'clock today, the kids and mom and I are going to volunteer at the Keller Community Storehouse. Its kind of like the goodwill of Keller. We will be helping them stock the store as far as I know, I am really glad to get the kids involved in some sort of charity project- even though we won't be directly working with the poor or homeless.
I keep hoping to do some sort of soup kitchen every winter. But it never happens.
I have always wanted to take them to and will probably do so, one of these weekends. Christy Stitch from church invites me out once a month or so, and I just need to put it on the calender and DO IT! I just feel like my weekends are slipping away between the now and when the baby gets here and I have got projects galore.
That probably makes me sound pretty selfish, but if you saw how desperate I am every week for an extra 5 minutes to do ANYTHING you would understand.
Right now I have a mowing husband, sheets in the wash and dryer, a sleeping son and a daughter who is out shopping with her grandma Bonnie. I am going to take advantage of these few moments alone and make me a big plate of eggs.
Y'all have a great weekend!
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Our Zoe
Zoe was born in the early morning, about a week sooner than we expected her. I think her due date was April 16th, but she had other plans.
My labor was fast and intense. I woke up about 3 in the morning with some strong contractions and she was born at 6:05. I think we arrived at the hospital at 6 AM. I am not kidding. I am really glad we made it to the hospital! If I remember correctly they didn't even start an IV till after she was born.
She greeted the world with a loud cry and eyes as big as the moon staring all around. Instantly I thought she was beautiful!! I was so glad to hear her cry at first- but then I worried.
Her temperature dropped a little during the weighing and cleaning up, so they laid her under a heat lamp away from me. She cried and cried and cried some more. Finally I asked them to let me hold her, I wrapped her in a blanket, and fed her and she was the happiest baby!
Little tiny hands and feet, cute squishy cheeks, soft hair all over her head and the tiniest little mouth. All the nurses said she had a great set of lungs and the biggest prettiest eyes they had ever seen.
And believe me she still does.
Happy 11th Birthday Sweet Angel!
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Good Reads and a Happy Belly
I also got really emotional when I thought about Jennifer earlier today and how she has been living in a different state, so I won't be writing about that either.
Instead I will bore you with a few things that don't really have anything to do with anything emotional like baby girls getting older or missing my sister. Nothing really important.
I have been recently introduced to a new line of books called "Skippyjon Jones" about a siamese cat that thinks he is a Chihuahua. HILARIOUS!! It is a picture book, not a chapter book, but my kids still think it is really funny! Skippyjon Jones is a very imaginative little cat with a mexican accent! Makes my heart smile. There is a whole series! Pick it up for your kids at the library- you won't be sorry.
Another thing that has been making me blissfully happy lately is my Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Balm. It is like rubbing honey all over my skin- but when it absorbs, its not sticky like honey. My skin is soft and silky and enriched. And the little pains that come from stretching skin and ligaments disappear. Like soaking tired feet in a hot bath!! That smells like honey :) Pure heaven!
I'll try not to be too emotional tomorrow as I recount the birth of my sweet baby daughter 11 years ago.
Truly feels like it was yesterday.
For now I will go read a book to those 2 angels of mine and go slather on some belly balm. :)
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Spring Cleaning on My Mind
I don't feel like I have enough of a following to really update anyone on anything on this blog- I just write for fun and a few friends read it. But those few know everything about me. So for "journaling purposes" I will do a little update on what is going on in our lives.
Aaron is going to graduate from UNT in May and he is neck deep in homework, papers and projects. He also works full time at Vought Air Craft, plays hockey and is the best dad and husband the world has ever seen. I am not just saying that- he really is. (Hi dear)
He is also searching for a job, applying and interviewing for after he graduates. We are praying for something local, but he is applying all over.
Sid is a 6th grader and 12 years old. He is going out for football next year- in middle school. He is at church every Wednesday and Sunday which makes my heart soar! He really wants to own the XBOX 360 game "Left for Dead 2"- but mama said no- for now. He's my little man, and my favorite boy in the whole world.
Zoe is in 5th grade, turning 11 this week, and just completed her Math TAKS today- she is extremely smart and I am sure she will have done fine. She is turning into quite an independent sweet girl- lil' girl with a purpose- and I love her SO much.
I am 23 weeks pregnant with another little girl :) We couldn't be happier. Which brings me to the title of this post. I have spring cleaning on my mind big time. Could it be early nesting? I want things to be so tidy and clutter free for the arrival of this sweet bundle and what better time to fling and clean than spring.
You can find me most nights and weekends doing as much tidying and cleaning I can before falling into a big prego heap on the couch or bed. But I have yet to find the time to tackle the BIG cleaning/organizing projects.
For example, my bedroom is SCARY! Not scary like an episode of hoarders mind you- but scary as in, too much clutter- too much stuff I don't need, and we MUST reconfigure the whole arraignment of our room to make room for that sweet angel- cause she will be living in our room. So we need space for all those wonderful, tiny, yet space consuming, things that come with a baby.
And my kitchen cupboards- well lets just say I don't think a 5 month pregnant mama should be on her hands in knees while making dinner strecthing to the very back of the lowest cabinet in search of her spaghetti pot, or pulling her hair out trying to find a matching top to a bottom tupperware. I am DESPERATE for cabinet space in my kithcen. Did I mention I don't even have a pantry? Yikes- my kithcen is an organizational hazard!!
I read Kelly's blog at and she just recently did a post on organization, and there are tons of super yummy links to other blogs with GREAT tips!
So thats what is on my mind! Hopefully, I will open the windows this weekend and put on the gloves and get to cleaning!!
I'll let you know!