Last Friday, after work, mom, the kids and I drove up and met my sister in Tulsa for a fun filled laid back weekend at a hotel. It was more relaxing than I could have ever imagined. Mom and I had fun on the pitch black ride up and when we got to the hotel Sid and Zoe played with there cousins, while mom, Jennifer and I caught up on everything- the funniest part being my sister feeling the baby kick- at first she put her hand square on my rib cage and gasping at how hard the baby was! "Those are my ribs" LOL- so funny!
The next morning we went the aquarium where we did a lot of walking- but probably no more than a normal marathon day of shopping. Aaron and I had a day like that a while back where we bought Zoe like 4 shirts- and she did not like even ONE of them. She is getting harder and harder to shop for. Anyways, much like that shopping trip, I started to feel some pelvic pressure! I did what just about every mom would do, and popped 2 Tylenol and kept up with the kids. The kids had a great time touching the "feel able" exhibits- shrimp, horseshoe crabs, even starfish and a shark egg. Sid wasn't so into the touching exhibits, but he enjoyed feeding the snapping turtles and he marveled several times that Aaron and I could've have gotten married right under the giant shark tank- there were posters everywhere promoting this feature that the aquarium could offer- HILARIOUS!
Back to the hotel, where we played cards and watched various scenes from Shrek, and I was still feeling pressure and just general discomfort.
In the morning, I realized I had spotted some while I was sleeping.
I calmly (I don;t know WHY I was so calm- that is not my normal manner at all) I called my doctors office, told my mom I had bleed a little bit while I was asleep, and took a shower.
Feeling my sweet baby girl kick a few times while I was in the shower did bring tears of joy to my eyes, but I still wasn't panicked.
After my shower we packed up and the nurse called me back, stating that if the bleeding had stopped then I could drive back the 5 hours to Fort Worth, otherwise, I would have to go to a hospital immediately!
In hindsight that must have been why I was being so calm, cause I knew my goal, and that was to get myself and the kids in the car and back to Fort Worth (aka Aaron) as soon as possible. I think I might have even started trying to tell myself I could drive the 5 hours in 3- no problem.
But I didn't drive, I couldn't. Mom drove and did awesome, I am sure she was shaken up, by the heaviness of the precious cargo she was transporting- but she didn't waiver! (GO MOM)
The bleeding stopped, I got home and was in the arms of my loving supportive husband.
Fast forward to my appt on Wednesday- Aaron was with me, We were looking forward to the sonogram a chance to see our tiny baby girl again (who is starting not to feel so tiny). The sono tech did some measuring and took some cute pictures of hands and feet and her mouth was open! I teared up the way I do at every sono gram. She took images of the fibroids that I have had the whole pregnancy.
Then she asked if I had any pain in a certain area- right below the bra line, at the top of my cute little baby bump- I told her I did, that is an area that always feels sore, like it is stretching rapidly.
I assumed it was another fibroid.
We met in the office with Dr. K. She asked some questions and did some measurements and then told us, that the last image was another subchorionic hematoma.
I say another cause I had one earlier in pregnancy, that ended up dissolving on its own. That is the best outcome, that or bleeding it out.
The fear would be a placental abruption, that would be the placenta separating from the uterine wall. Which of course would put the baby at risk with lack of oxygen and lack of blood flow.
Dr. K has put me on bed rest.
This is day 4 of my bed rest and plenty has happened since that Wednesday appointment.
I will have to write it in another post.
I will say this before I go. Resting is hard. Harder than you would think. But the most important thing is that we deliver this beautiful baby girl and not a moment before she is ready.
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
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