I am super upset! I am having a hair styling product meltdown, and I do not know what to do.This product is apparently discontinued cause no one has it and it was the only thing in the world keeping my hair form looking like the Bride of Frankenstein, seriously! And I have tried other "Volumizing" products- nothing works on my hair like this stuff!! So, last night while my sweet dad babysat, this mama rushed around town, like everyone else, buying those last few gifts, getting some tissue paper and gift bags, that sort of thing- oh and yes, since I have a few minutes I will swing out of my way to NE Mall to pick up my favorite, pricey hair styling product- Nexxus Headress Volumizing Leave In Conditioner- with a name like that I mean come on- what can't it do, right? So I call Ulta, which is the out of the way store, and I check with Mandy, who answers the phone and she says "yes, we have a whole shelf of it" But, when I get there, we do not have a whole shelf of it! We have a whole shelf of the Weightless Leave In Conditioner, not at all the stuff I need!! My hair is plenty thin, fine and weightless, I need VOLUME, thick bouncy heavy volume. So I rationally get in my car and drive 30 minutes away from the direction of my home to go to the Southlake Ulta store, which surely has it, cause people in Southlake really need volume, right ;)- it would be a major seller there, one would think. 30 Minutes later.......... no way- they too, are out and only have the weightless stuff. So I buy the weightless stuff, cause I hate leaving empty handed, and I have no idea what else to get and everything is so expensive. I hate it when you can' t find that one thing that you are looking for!!
I called several other locations today, and several other hair product suppliers, and no one has this product! I finally looked online and found a few places to buy it online, but its a little more expensive and to pay for shipping, when I use to be able to get it right down the street!!
What is a mama to do! I will be on the look out for a new volumizing hair product, but this one was so perfect, it will not be easy. If anyone has seen this product anywhere- please let me know!