Zoe went to Sara's church on Monday night for a Ladies Tea! And as you can see it was a "dressy event". Zoe looked like such a beautiful angel! But I can't say that I am suprised. She has also been such a glowing beauty to me. It reminded me that time is always moving forward, and that she is getting older and I am such a mess about that, I wanna freeze time. She prays with me every night before bed always asking God to help the people who don't have very much, and everyday when I drop them off at school she says "have a great day mom!" cause she knows that when she says that I do have a great day! She feels deeply for others and is very in tune with how other people feel. She has a huge heart. She cares for animals and has a firecracker spunk about her! I love this litle girl of mine, and she is growning up so beautifully! Just had to brag on her a bit. Here are some more pics of my darling "baby" girl!

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