So, some things are meant to happen on a set schedule like the start of the school year, television shows, and taxes and some things are meant to be delayed such as flight schedules, births of babies, and apparantley closing on homes. We were scheduled to close on the house yesterday, but that has now been pushed back to Tuesday! Better late than never, so no big deal! Steve, my new BIL, and our realtor has been working so hard to make sure everything goes smoothly and we thank him so much for that. It is forcasted to rain all weekend anyway, so we don't mind not having to rush around in moving trucks, carry furniture and stack boxes in the rain!
Zoe is starting to get emotional about the move. Last night before her shower she said she was going to miss everything about the apartment. Her room, the balcony, the doors. "We've lived here sooooo long, I can't bare to move away." She is a very serious little girl when she wants to be. A self proclaimed Tom Boy, who doesn't care for Barbie, the color pink, or anything considered 'girly girl'. She is rough and tumble and full of spunk! But still, only seven and very little in my eyes.
Sid seems excited about the move. He loves packing boxes and labeling them in big black letters 'SID'S ROOM'. It is harder for him to be patient about the delay. He wants to ride his bike up and down the street, walk to school, and play in the school yard, have a lemonade stand to earn extra money. He needs to be in the new house. "Mom, I need my own room, today!" he says while eating his cereal. "Only a few more days, son. It's almost time." I tried to re-assure. Then big dramatic flair "It's going to take FOREVER......." here we go......
Aaron has gone into action mode! He is the most efficent person I have ever seen, handling all the mortgage and paperwork, going to the inspection, getting the electric swithced over, the satelitte tv switched over, making sure the water will be turned on for us, buying a fridgerator (sorry honey, thats re-fridgerator) packing boxes, buying packing tape, getting the moving van scheduled, getting friends to help us on Tuesday! He has done all the planning and organizing of this move. He is UNREAL! I am sure he feels about the same about me and the wedding planning, he didn't have to do too much! But now, I am not busy with the wedding anymore, and he has totally taken charge with the house! I haven't had to lift a finger. Thank you, honey, for all that you do.
I, for one, cannot wait to be in the new house. I'm with Sid as far as we need the new house. We need the backyard! We need the space. The house is so adorable too. Two big trees in the front yard, adorable porch swing by the front door, master bedroom with study off to the side, ceiling fans all over! The kids each have their own room, we all have our own bathroom. The backyard has endless possiblitlies. Before church on Sunday mornings, the kids and I have been watching Landscapers Challenge for ideas. And I am married to the Home Depot Landscaper. How great is that. Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait!!! But for now, we will take these few days to say good bye to the walls, doors, balconies, and rooms that have held our family until now.
Goodbye Apartment!
The picture I have at the top of this post is from the realtor selling page, and is actually our house- but they have painted the outside since then. I will post my own pictures, after we move in.
You are such an amazing writer. I love reading your blogs!! You are working on a novel or something in your "spare" time, right?? If not, let me tell you, graciously, that you really missed your calling with the whole apartment leasing agent thing.... ;) Not that you are not terrific at your job... but anyway - you catch my drift.
Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.
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