Sunday, March 25, 2012
Getting Ready

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Lately We've Been Dancing

Psalm 30:11-12
You turned for me my
mourning into dancing...
you have clothed me in gladness,
that my glory may sing
your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give
thanks to you forever.
True to it's name, spring has brought on a renewing for our family. And right now from where I am sitting, things are looking better than they have in a really long time. Not perfect mind you, I've learned to let go of perfect. In fact, this slightly flawed view is better than perfect. It's real. And I am so thankful to my Lord for this new time for our family.
Lately our days are all about routine and order. It helps everyone function better. (Especially this to do list, planned mama) Our mornings typically involve me rising at 6 AM to prepare breakfast. Zoe gets up with no problems. She is a morning girl like her mama! Aubrey wakes shortly there after. She snuggles with me a bit, then I go refill my coffee and get Aubrey her bagel. It is the perfect morning treat for our almost 20 month old cause she can feed herself and eat it on the couch while she watches Barney, Blues Clues or Backyardigans.
Sid is living the ultimate teenage dream and that involves NOT being able to rise and shine with any sort of consistency. Actually on second thought he is completely consistent- he will NOT get up! Haha! I hope I can remember this time in his life with a sense of humor. Some morning I feel I am loosing my mind! I think I have set world records with the number of 5 more minute warnings I have given and empty threats to leave him. I have even tried "Ok, Sid we are walking out the door, bye." He still doesn't budge. I can't bring myself to actually leave him one morning. But I am bet that would do the trick. And I really can't complain that much- he is absolutely the perfect kid in every other way.
Aubrey and I spend our mornings doing laundry or running errands. Aubrey loves looking at/reading books. She is staring to say the words to the books with me as I read. She is so precious. She just got a sandbox from mom this month and when it is not pouring down rain she is loving playing out there. More and more sand is being dispersed across our lawn. I think its a nice look.
I have lunch with Zoe everyday at school. She had lunch with her peers on Tuesday and is going to do it again on Monday. This is amazing progress.
When I pick the kids up from school, we come home and talk about every ones day (unless Sid has track practice) and I began to prep dinner. We (the kids and I) eat at 5 pm and then reheat a plate for Aaron when he gets home about 6:30. He is still going to Waco everyday. He amazes me. I don't think he thinks his acts are amazing- but that just makes them more amazing.
Aubrey's bath is at 7:30 and then we read books and have a sippy of milk and she goes to bed. Naps suddenly are a nightmare. We were in a very good place with our naps, but the entire week of Spring Break got her all out of whack! Praying, reading and journaling about it should solve that problem!
We are in the process of putting our house on the market again after taking it off in the winter. Aaron is in the process of redoing the kitchen cabinets, and I think we are going to paint this weekend.
This is just a snapshot of our lives right now. Things are good.
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