It is so hard to beleive our baby is one year old today! And to make this day more exciting: Aaron and I both woke up with pink eye and sinus infections! I am pretty sure Sid has it too!! So we will be going to the Doctor this morning! Because of that we didn't do very much today cause we felt bad- but these are the pics I got of her today :)
Diaper size is 4.
Shoe size 5.
You wake up about 7:30 every morning and take 2 naps a day, one at 10:30 and the other at 3:30~ you go to bed at 8:30, but you still wake up all through the night! I just don't think that is going to change until we move into a bigger house and you get your own room!
You are walking just about every where! You only really crawl when you fall down, but usually you crawl straight to something, pull yourself up and continue walking. You love being on the move and you don't really like being restrained in your car seat or your jumper. You don't even like to sit in the bath tub- you just want to walk around the whole time I am bathing you!
You are busy and into everything! I have to redirect you 50 times an hour as you go to get into Bailey's food or Sid and Zoe's room or the sock basket or the kitchen cabinets!
You love to look at books- Brown Bear Brown Bear has become a favorite this month! And I have taken you to the library a few times to get you new board books!
Anytime we go anywhere in your stroller you wave to everybody like you are in a parade! You know to wave "hi" when someone comes over and "bye" when they leave. You give sweet kisses when we ask you for a kiss!
WhenI holler for the big kids you look down the hall and yell really loudly "Ba! Ma!" And I think that is you trying to holler at them too!
You shake your head no as you get into something you are not suppose to be in, like the kitchen drawers or Bailey's water bowl!
You are such a sweet baby and love being around your family! You are too busy to cuddle, but will sometimes if you are really sleepy!
You are in the walking to two year old classroom at church- you don't really like it in there so this last Sunday I stayed with you a while and before I knew it you were playing and smiling and didn't seem to need me anymore!

You have lots of toys that you like to play with: ball popper, Vacum, lawn mower! You like to pull your snap neads apart, and place many small things in cups and tupperware. You just discovered teh joy of knocking down a tower that I make out of anything- cups, books, etc! I think blocks would be a perfect first birthday present!
Grandma has a braclet that you can pull off and you and her paky that over and over again! You pull it off her wrist and then slowly put in your mouth as she mocks surprise saying "oh no! Not for mouth not for mouth!" And you laugh and give it back to her and she puts it on for you to take off again!
We love you so much Aubrey Grace! You are such a blessing and I love being your mommy! Happy 1st Birthday!!