I had a hard time deciding what to title this post. As if I don't have more important things to worry about. Times have been tough- I would be lying if I didn't say that I am completely stressed out and overwhelmed at least 87% of the time. Ok, probably more like 97% but you get the idea. I am pretty sure it has to do with the insanity that is Christmas time-
but that rationale hasn't really lessened my burden.

And for some reason lately when I am really stressing, I shop (again, could be the time of year)! (Also could be that I just got back from a few days at my sisters and I always shop after being at her house- she always has the neatest stuff that I just gotta have- ask Aaron its true).
Anyways, God, home, family, ALL of it, seems to suddenly be on the back burner while I work these days. I just cannot get caught up!

I am not doing the best job of juggling it all. I work from 9-6, am up all night with a baby, drop kids off in the mornings at school (its a miracle I make lunches every morning for them) then I dash to moms to drop off Aubrey. A shower or make up seems unheard of these days. Everything is last minute or an afterthought and I don't do well when things are like that. And laundry? What laundry! I am suddenly so convicted about how fast this year is going by for our baby girl and that I am missing it! Pumping at work still, but I can barely keep up (she is a ROCKSTAR when it comes to eating ;)).

I feel like we are all suffering right now because I am being pulled in way to many directions. I am completely prayerful that God will provide away for me to be home even if just for a little while.
I want to be with my kids as much as I can. I know I sound really debbie downer- that is not the normal me. And I am just going through a rough patch- life is BUSY! But I hope to get some prospective and things slow down soon!
Cause I think we would all be happier if mama is happier, right? ;)
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