Jennifer and her family came to Texas for a few days at the end of October. We celebrated Ashley's birthday while they were here and watched the Texas Rangers in the World Series! (hence the red shirts below!)

Sid and Zoe are working hard on their pumpkins- over the years pumpkin carving has evolved a lot- I am always excited to see what the kids come up with.

Aubrey was suppose to be this flower for Halloween! That lasted for like 5 minutes! Its too hot here for this kind of costume- plus baby no likey!

Don't ask what the big kids were, cause they weren't anything- they were just "scary"!

This is how we looked before hitting the streets to trick or trea! I love Zoe's halloween tights! And Sid's mask overflows with blood if he squeezes a heart in his hand- which I am pretty sure he is doing in this picture! Creepy! Aubrey ended up wearing some pink leopard print pjs! I was a mom! Or Bella from twilight its hard to tell! So similar...

Aren't the pumpkins great?? Sid's is on the left and Zoe's is on the right!
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