The first 3 weeks or so being home with Aubrey were pretty tough. I wasn't getting any sleep and I wanted desperately to jump right back into being busy with my big kids after months of bed rest! But my body just wasn't up for it.

Now things are getting back to normal for me physically and Aubrey is more consistent with her schedule. The kids started school and were so sad to be apart from Aubrey every day. Sid has football practice very early every morning and we take him to school when it is still dark outside. Sometimes mom will come with me and after we take Zoe to school we sit outside of Sid's school and watch him practice.

Sid is going to Fossil Hill Middle School and will be switching classrooms for every subject. Zoe is at Chisholm in 6th grade. Her teachers are Mrs. Bryce and Ms. Johnson. She loves her teachers so much! I think this is going to be a great year for both of them!

Sid told me one morning during football practice he went to wipe his hair out of his face and he could smell sweet baby Aubrey on his hands and that made him miss her so much!
Our sweet baby is growing and changing right before our eyes. She eats about every 2-3 hours. She wiggles and looks around when we talk to her, but Dr. Gomez thinks her eyes have not really focused yet, so she cannot see us yet!
Aubrey's favorite thing to do right now is snuggle and listen to daddy, Sid and Zoe talk to her sweetly. We all sing to her all the time and she makes little soft cooing noises. At night she cries very loudly to be fed and held. She is in no shape or form anywhere near sleeping through the night!
Zoe has such a compassionate heart. She had a lemonade stand and earned $35!! All the proceeds went to St. Jude Cancer Research! We posted her success story on Facebook, and the founder of "Lemons to Aid" commented and said she was so impressed with Zoe! I am too! She has such a giving spirit! We mailed a check to St. Jude and they sent back a thank you note with a notep-ad for Zoe!
The Wildcats won the 1st game of the season!! 12-2! GO WILDCATS! I am so proud of my boy for how hard he is playing! Hopefully this is the beginning of a winning season for the Wildcats We are getting T shirts made that will say Wildcats and have Sid's name and number 5 on them! I am thinking I will have to get a black and gold outfit for Miss Aubrey to wear to the games! And a big ol hairbow :)
Daddy fed Aubrey her first bottle in preparation for me to go back to work. Nursing is such an amazing gift that I can give my baby! I pray I am able to continue while I work. I am so blessed to work for a company that allows pump breaks to nursing mothers for the first year! It was really hard for me as the days approached to leave Aubrey and go back to work- I am so glad I can still provide food for her and my mom will be the one watching her!

So far we have made it to every one of Sid's football games! That boy can run so fast! Go # 5!!!!!!!
My mom has her hands full with 3 kiddos everyday! I don't think going back to work would have been as smooth of a transition if I didn't know that she was caring for them! It has been really emotional for me to leave Aubrey and I just love that my mom is able to watch them! I trust her so much and loves them more than anyone else could! Her and Aubrey have gotten into a pretty good routine in the 10 days I have been back to work! So far so good on the pumping! Aubrey is one hungry baby and I think she is hitting a growth spurt!

When I get home from work in the evenings all I wanna do is snuggle this little monkey!

So far we have made it to every one of Sid's football games! That boy can run so fast! Go # 5!!!!!!!

When I get home from work in the evenings all I wanna do is snuggle this little monkey!
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