My friends from church threw me a baby shower on the 11th. They came over to my house and did the entire set up and clean up, since I am on bed rest!! In the picture above Jan, me and Aubrey, Darla, Kelly and Angie. Kelly shared with me while at the shower that her and her husband and little girl are expecting another baby! This is AWESOME news!!

Jan, myself and Natalie! It was such a joy getting together with them and catching up with everyone. Angie just had her baby, named Ella, and I got to hold her while we chatted. She is a sweet slice of heaven. I couldn't believe the nice things they brought for Aubrey. I was blown away!!

This picture doesn't even do it all justice- there were so many tiny cute outfits and diapers and toys. Darla's son, Nathan, has been in Sid's class at school the last few years and Darla told us how he picked out a lot of the gifts for Aubrey!! Ha Ha- too cute!
Then on Monday the 12th, My boss from work, Amy, and co-worker John, surprised me with lunch (CHIK-FIL-A) and MORE gifts for Aubrey. This is the best pic I have of the two of us- Sid was our photographer ;)

They got me the neatest stuff and I really feel like we are officially ready for this sweet baby girl to make her appearance!

This Diaper Genie is going to be a life saver I am pretty sure!! (or a nose saver rather)

I got tons of cute outfit for Aubrey at all of my showers- this girl is gonna be the best dressed in the whole house!!

I am planning on breast feeding, but it is SO nice to have the bottle back up- especially since I am heading back to work :( Something I don't like to think about.
I am so blessed and so thankful for all the gifts for Aubrey and our family. My friends from church are planning to provide meals for our family in the days after Aubrey is here and I cannot tell you how happy that makes me- these women can cook (and some husbands too!!)
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