Even I, who cannot enjoy the summer sun rays, due to having to sit on the couch, am getting a little tired of the rain. I really did appreciate it at first- I DID! It cools everything off, makes the grass the most vibrant green, and I have always enjoyed watching big ominous thunderheads rolls in while the wind whips the trees to and fro.
But my kids have cabin fever of the worst kind- they need to swim! They need to jump! They need to be able to go outside and run-a-muck!
So, nothing personal, but rain, please go on! It was fun at first, then annoying and now just down right inappropriate- I guess you haven't heard, but this is Texas, we don't get you in the summertime here.
SO, on this July 4th Independence Day, the kids have plans to go up to the Harwell's, the spend the day with their Grandma and Grandpa and cousins, and if the rain takes a hike, some much needed outside time followed by fireworks.
Aaron and I will be organizing (not sure if Aaron knows this yet) I actually only have two major projects for today, that shouldn't take that long considering how motivated I am (If it isn't nailed down- toss it).
First we will tackle the front hall closet. We have two entry closets by our front door. One is for coats (and the vacuum, and the suitcases). THE OTHER one is shelved and houses: puzzles, games, craft supplies. large cookware things that won't fit in the kitchen, hamster food, dog treats, commonly used household tools, flash cards, about 23 VHS tapes from years ago, a half eaten dog pillow, various batteries and holiday stuff. This is the one that we are going to clean out and organize, making room for all the other things in the house that are just cluttering things up and don't actually have a home.
Second, comes the master bedroom. I frankly don't know where to begin with the master bedroom. Weekly it becomes a catch-all for things that have no home. Vases. blankets, shoes, yearbooks, magazines- etc. So every surface will be cleared, cleaned and left cleared and clean. The only thing on top of this dresser will be XY and Z and so on.
Does that sound pretty anal? Probably not. I am sure all of you can't stand clutter as well.
By the way- while I was typing this Aaron got up and I began to tell him my ideas for the day and he quickly ate some cereal and headed out the door to Home Depot. I shouted "Be back soon!" No response could only mean he is really really excited about my organizing project.
I know its difficult with me on bed rest. I want things clean, but others have to be my arms and my legs! Speaking of which- every item of clothing, every hooded towel and every burp cloth for Aubrey has been cleaned and put away thanks to Sid and Zoe!! WHO KNEW they could be such marvels when it comes to laundry! There are so many surprises with those too! They make me smile all the time! (Except when day 4 of no rain brings on sibling rivalry like you have never seen!! They are beginning to make Cain and Abel look like saints) But the house is getting clean and ready for the arrival of this baby and that does make me smile.
Which brings me to the new vacuum. We have a vacuum cleaner that isn't working- meaning its lost its suck. We really over work a vacuum too, so this next one is going to have to be INSANELY sucky!! I am assuming Aaron is in search of one today. He didn't say much before he fled- I mean left- for Home Depot and various other places pregnant women do not hang out.
I wonder what he is going to say about me needing him to pick me up a nursing bra and nursing night gown. I'll let you know!
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