Thursday, July 01, 2010

Lists, Lists, and more Lists

If you don't know that I am a list person, then you don't know me at all.

I make grocery lists, things to do lists, things to pack lists, movies to watch lists, lists of books I need to return, lists of lists I need to make- its a sickness I think. But I like it, so I continue.

Here is my current to do list:
  1. Do a bible lesson with the kids
  2. Reschedule Zoe's Dr's apt so that she can skip town with my dad and watch fireworks in Kansas with my sister and her family
  3. Do laundry for said trip (AKA have Aaron bring me dirty clothes so that I can point to clothes that need to be washed)
  4. Marinade Pork Chops for Aaron to grill (AKA shout directions from the couch to my dear 12 year old son, on how to dump pork chops in a bowl and cover with garlic herb marinade and cover and put in fridge and then holler the importance of scrubbing his hands thoroughly to avoid salmonella or swine flu or something equally horrible)
  5. Organize my bed rest station (the coffee table) (AKA ask mom to stack magazines, return books to the library and throw away Kleenex, candy wrappers and other items that have found there way into "my" area)
  6. Make a list of things that need to be done before my baby shower that my sweet friends from church are throwing for me on the 11th- CAN'T wait to see these amazing girls!!
  7. Watch Valentine's Day movie with Aaron

That's it for today! I'll let you know how much I actually get done!! Sid just made the pork chops, so that is one thing off the list~!

Share whats on your list for today!

Happy Thursday!

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