We arrived at the hospital about 3o minutes before we were suppose to. (Probably around 4:30) Just Aaron and I and our carefully packed diaper bag, over night bag, with my secret letter from Zoe and my pics of the the family to focus on durong contractions.
There wasn't a room yet ready for us, so we sat out in the waiting room for what felt like forever! I was a little nervous.
Then it was time and we got into a room and I got my lovely hospital grade gown on and on went the monitors and your little heart beat filled the room, and I relaxed. We could hear babies crying and other moms delivering all around us! I thought it was neat to think that ewould be us in a few hours. Aaron I think was disturbed by us. One new mama was doing her share of screaming! We later found out she had opted to have her baby natural!
Sid, Zoe, Grandma and Grandpa came to the hospital after things got underway! I think Sid and ZOe might have been worried about me if they hadn't seen me with there own eyes that I wasdoing great! I think they loved being able to hear Aubrey's heartbeat. Nicole and Nanny and Pop pop did too! Nanny and Pop Pop brought me roses. Aaron and Nicole watched the contraction monitor and talked me through some contractions. I was so glad for the company. I drifted to sleep a few times after I got my epidural.
We told our families to sit tight- it was time. Everyone kissed us and went out to the waiting room.
As the nurses got things ready, they commented to Dr. K was currently delivering twins and would do her best to get in here as soon as possible! Ha ha! I wasn't sure who would catch Aubrey if need be, but here she came anyway.
Finally the room was ready and Dr K made it. Aubrey was here pretty quickly. Aaron was right next to my head the whole time talking me through it.
Immediatley they put sweet Aubrey on my chest and she was red and LOUD! Her little body was strecthed out stiffly, her eyes shut tight and her mouth was wide open! I thought "I know this little girl"! She was exactly as I had envisioned her.
I remember just saying over and over, "Hi baby, hi, sweet baby!" "I love you Aubrey, its okay, mommy's here!" I kept whispering to this little distraught angel! She had obviously been very comfortable in her mommy's tummy, and being forced out was no picninc!
As they cleaned her up, Aaron took these pictures! She definatley was letting us know that no part of that was fun for her. I couldn't wait to get her in my arms. The nurses announced 7 lbs, 15 oz and 19 inches!!
She held tight to daddy's finger!
After they wrapped her up Aaron brought her to me. She was perfect!
Everyone came in to marvel at our sweet baby after that! She made a few squeaky noises and yawned. Sid and Zoe were so quiet and amazed by her instantly!
I am so thankful that our sweet baby came into this world so easily! She is such a gift from God!
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