Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can I Last 8 More Weeks?

It's official, I am falling apart.
I think I gained 10 pounds in the last 24 hours.

I woke up this morning, to a pile of flesh on my abdomen that resembled Mt Everest and immediately thought "Where did that come from?!?!" I must have said it out loud cause Aaron said "You're pregnant!" and laughed at me, rubbing my huge belly!

Of course I know I am pregnant, but seriously my belly where Aubrey lives seems to have doubled in square miles just with in the last 24 hours. What was a cute little baby bump is now much more round and global than I think I have ever seen in my life! Clothes can only hope to resemble a tent at this point!!

When I pointed out this revelation to Aaron, he quickly came back with "Honey you look beautiful!" But then when I asked "Aren't you shocked at how HUGE I am?" He couldn't lie. The words "A little bit" slipped out of his mouth and he disappeared into the shower. As I stood up, I heard actual creaking of the floor beneath me and possibly my pelvic bones. I know it is too early for her to have dropped, but I have now can only get around in a series of waddle/shuffle type movements. My hips have just about given up!

And it is not just my expansive middle that has me worried.

I am leaking. Everywhere. All the time. My nose is stuffy and like a faucet. My boobs seem to think I have had the baby already and are in overdrive. I am sweating profusely (May in Texas and we already visiting the daily 90's!!). And don't get me started on what happens if I sneeze or get to giggling about something.

I also have these ugly blotchy spots on my face that I have read will go away once the baby is born, but I am starting to think I will look like this forever.

Poor Aubrey will attend her first day of kindergarten and I will have a cane and a moo moo and enough cake style make up to cover a small circus. In fact that is what they will call me "Circus Lady!" Poor Aubrey!

This is FAR from the cute summer pregnant belly I had imagined.

We have scheduled Aubrey's delivery for July 22nd. That is a little over 8 weeks away. Let the countdown begin!

There is a possibility that I will be released from bed rest on June 2nd, when we see Dr. R. I will be SO happy if that happens. I think this restful lifestyle has defiantly contributed to my general lack luster and growth. But to be honest, if I am off bed rest, I am not sure how much I will be able to do anyway, with out getting sweaty and breathless.

I wonder if I even fit behind the steering wheel anymore.

It doesn't help that I watched the ending of Dancing with The Stars last night. As Derrick and Nicole twirled around the ballroom I looked over at Aaron and said with much confidence "After Aubrey is born, I am gonna look like that"

Aaron smiled reassuringly "I know you will, baby,"

And I will- it just might take 10 years and $10 million dollars.

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