Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh Sweet November

Hey everybody (clear throat), uh.....Aaron and Lacey, to be exact!! Honey thank you for reading my blog, as if I don't already talk your ear off, and Lacey, you are a true friend- your support of this blog has been incredible seeing how I haven't kept it up since July!! :) And if anyone else reads, leave a comment, you may get a shout out!
So, I am sitting here listening to David Crowder Band, thinking about how awesome it would be to see them in concert- but unless I am going to Waco later this month, it is not likely. But that is ok- I'll take the new cd. I adore this music and it amazes me how the simplest verses can cause my eyes to tear up for how much Jesus loves us- even when we are broken- especially when we are broken.
As we near the end of another year (and my 33rd birthday) I am amazed at how many things I have to be thankful for.

First for Jesus- my relationship with our Lord has gotten me through so much over the years and I never get tired of his pursuing of me. You are my purpose.

Second for my husband, like a knight in shining armor, Aaron came into my life and swept me off my feet and still does every day! And don't think I don't know how lucky I am!! I give thanks everyday for Aaron.

Third for my babies- my angels straight from heaven. I cannot tell you how much there existence changed my life. They gave me a reason, when there was almost no hope.

And last for all my family and friends. Nothing is more sacred this time of year, and all year long. I guess I am just reminded of it this time of year.

Pictures of years gone by and years to come bring me so much peace this time of year. And I am SO thankful.

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