It's Texas. It's summer. And it's hot. Everyone can agree that this summer seems to be warmer than most. And the mosquitos are out in small armies all over the place. And to make things even more toasty our A/C broke a few nights ago. And to be honest, I think it has brought us much closer as a family. Well, ok, maybe that's not true. But we did spend the night at my moms which was lovely and Aaron is spending some time with his mom today, so thats good.
This is all stemming from my attempt to be a 'make lemonades' type girl, and I think I am doing really well with that.
The summer is flying by. We have already had so much fun. We spent the first have of June on an awesome roadtrip to Florida; destination Walt Disney World! It was incredible. The drive was so pretty. I fell in love with all the bayou's in Lousiana and the further southeast we headed the more magnificent the trees became. Our favoreite were by far the live oaks draped in whisps of moss (old man's beard; according to Kelly). The kids thought they looked spooky, but I thought they looked mystical and romantic (that got a huge eye roll from our Zoe). And Aaron loved those trees too. Every few seconds of the drive, he'd get all giddy and point "Look babe! Another tree with all that whispsy moss!".....Well, maybe he didn't actually say that. He really seemed indifferent about the trees. But he did come up with some great one liners that the kids repeated the whole trip long. And he taught us the tradition of holding your breath while crossing the Mississippi River! Sid and Aaron could do it, but Zoe and I fell short. The boys were really impressed with themselves. We could tell :)
Disney and Florida were everything we hoped it would be! The heat wasn't near as bad as I had anticipated and the crowds were totally bearable. Our favorite rides were Tower of Terror, Expedition Everst and Big Railroad Thunder Mountain. OH! And Test track. We can't forget that one, it was the first one the we rode and it was awesome.
We went out to Cocoa Beach one day while we were there and Aaron thinks my thirst for a beach vacation has now been quenched. He knows me and I could go to the beach everyday. But that'll do for this summer. It was a really pretty beach- soft sand and cool water. I loved it.
Well, thats cathing everybody up to speed on where we are right now.
Sorry dear blog that I have abandoned you for so long.
I promise to update more often.