At the risk of making some of my regular readers puke, I just had to take this time out to gush about my amazing husband of 1 year. Aaron and I went out to Dakotas in Dallas, to celebreate our 1 year anniversary and it was faboulous, the steaks where amazing. And my husband, he is incredible. 1 year ago, he and I were united in marraige and he has not stopped making me feel like a princess scince! Aaron is so gorgeous, so thoughtful, so sweet and strong. Everyday Aaron lets me know how important I am to him, and he tells me he loves me all the time and we are so perfect for each other. He makes me smile when there is nothing to smile about. He lifts me up when I am down. He encourages me to beleive in myself and do my best. He makes me laugh each and every single day. And he is a wonderful father too. Dreams do come true! And we are living happily ever after:)