It would seem to the rest of the world that summer is already here. but us Texans know better- its gonna get a lot hotter and a lot brighter, and i don't know about yall, but we can hardly wait! every morning "how many more days of school, mom?" Award ceremonies have been scheduled, summer vacations have been booked, sunscreens been purchased, along with new flip flops.
It has been a really busy past few weeks for us.

This is my moms dog Lannie, and while mom was on her way to Kansas to take care of Jennifer's kids while they went on vacation, Lannie lost use of her back legs. She had been having so much trouble for most of this year, and last week, her legs really gave out, despite the large doses of medicicine that she was taking. My family took her to the emergency clinic, where the doctor, and I (and mom, via cell phone) decided that the best thing for her was to be put to sleep. Aaron stayed with her, and the kids and I stayed in the waiting room. It was a really hard evening, but we made it through. Lannie was a great dog, who lived a long happy life (15 years- can you beleive that!) and she will be missed, but seen again- we believe that.
Aaron has been out of school most of this month- he returns this Wednesday. We have had some great times with him being home.

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