Sunday, March 25, 2012
Getting Ready

Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Lately We've Been Dancing

This is just a snapshot of our lives right now. Things are good.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Because I Need Some Inspiration
I guess I have to search with in myself.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Last Days Of Summer
OH! And we had our first ever house showing this week! They called about 5 minutes before coming over, so I had dinner on the grill, so we couldn't leave, but I think they liked it. I haven't heard anything else about it. But very exciting that someone actually looked!!
This past weekend we had one of the most unsuccessful trips to the mall in history. The kids like NOTHING for back to school clothes. I was shocked and annoyed, as displayed by quiet (ok, NOT so quiet) rants to my husband "what do they think they are going to wear? Sid's jeans are TOO small! Zoe hates all her current clothes!" And so on. Since then I have taken Zoe to Target and Kohls and found several items she adores. Sid on the other hand, I am just going to have to go shopping FOR him I think.
Zoe and I went Monday night to the girls athletics meeting. It was super informative! I hope Zoe has fun with all of that. She saw her friend Aidan who will also be in athletics.
The Head Coach, Coach V, stated that we are starting volleyball the first week of school and that the girls need to be at the school at 6 AM!!! WHOA! Talk about a slap in the face that your summer is over- for real! I have been lucky if the kids come out of there rooms before 9:30 everyday!
Last night we picked up her schedule and walked it a few times. 1st year of switching classrooms for every period can be really tricky. I think she is a little nervous. She learned it quickly though. She has the same math teacher that Sid did last year, and she is also in an advanced Language Arts class.
We get Sid's schedule to night. He is a seasoned middle schooler and not nervous at all. Especially since we are returning to Fossil Hill home of the Wildcats, when we spent a good portion of our summer thinking that we would be in Waco this year!
Last night Sid went over to his friend Tyler's house to spend the night and hang out, one last little hurrah before school starts! I think he may be going back over there tonight.
Zoe and I went yesterday to sign up for violin lessons and rent her a violin. This is something she has been asking to do ever since she heard an instrumental version of some of her favorite songs. I think she has a lot of talent in the music area. She plays the piano really well.
After we got her violin, I talked to her about the importance of practice and caring for the instrument, which was met with the standard "I know!" which seems to have taken the place of my generations "Duh!"
So there you have it. Back to school shopping, violins, sleep overs and schedules. And being at the school at 6 am. With a baby.
SO thankful everyday for the gift I have been given to stay at home!
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Haircut (And How It Is A Metaphor for Mine and Zoe's Relationship Right Now)
There comes a certain time in every young ladies life when she must kind of pull away from her mama. She has to leave the nest little by little and learn to fly on her own. That is the stage that me and my little birdie are at right now. It started gradually with her not wanting notes in her school lunch last year. Which was a huge blow for me, but also understandable- I sort of figured she was the only one still with notes from her mama.
Then she wanted to "redo" her room, taking down all cuddly kitten posters and sweet puppies in baskets posters. And all of her calico critters got moved to the garage with the doll houses. And American Girl stuff too- ALL Gone! Replaced by art supplies and journals.
Then came more stuff, things that I have always done with her but now she wants to do herself. Again, very normal though a little painful for this mama. But now her clothes are different and she leaves the room in the middle of me talking and I am sure if she read this she would roll her eyes, cause lately eye rolling has been the most consistent communication we have had.
And it is breaking my heart.
Zoe is not a bad child by any means. I am not fearing that she has gotten "into" a bad group or any thing like that. I think she is just letting go. I did it (rather harshly too, now that I think of it- sorry mom!) (Hmm complete with haircut and a nose peircing- yikes! So far I count myself lucky) (Agian Sorry MOM!)
Most of my girlfriends and I have all talked about the time between 16 and 25 when mom wasn't needed anymore and she was annoying and so on. So I am not completley unaware that this is part of the normal process, it is just super hard on me.
This is the most recent picture of Zoe
from Aubrey's birthday party. Note the warning look that says to Aaron (the photograoher) "if you want to keep your camera, stop snapping photos of me"

I can't tell you what else she said after that, cause my heart fell and I think I started sorting the laundry all wrong, hence an hour later I had a washer full of towels and jeans and a really cute turqouise blouse from forever 21. Cut her hair? Really short? Like.....a boy? I was confused.
"True" she said quietly and left the room.
"But I really will like it- I have given it a lot of thought"
"No mom I don't want a bob"
Monday, August 01, 2011
Aubrey's Birthday Party...and Daddy's too!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Happy Birthday Sweet Aubrey Grace!
Diaper size is 4.
Shoe size 5.
You wake up about 7:30 every morning and take 2 naps a day, one at 10:30 and the other at 3:30~ you go to bed at 8:30, but you still wake up all through the night! I just don't think that is going to change until we move into a bigger house and you get your own room!
You are walking just about every where! You only really crawl when you fall down, but usually you crawl straight to something, pull yourself up and continue walking. You love being on the move and you don't really like being restrained in your car seat or your jumper. You don't even like to sit in the bath tub- you just want to walk around the whole time I am bathing you!
You are busy and into everything! I have to redirect you 50 times an hour as you go to get into Bailey's food or Sid and Zoe's room or the sock basket or the kitchen cabinets!
You love to look at books- Brown Bear Brown Bear has become a favorite this month! And I have taken you to the library a few times to get you new board books!
Anytime we go anywhere in your stroller you wave to everybody like you are in a parade! You know to wave "hi" when someone comes over and "bye" when they leave. You give sweet kisses when we ask you for a kiss!
WhenI holler for the big kids you look down the hall and yell really loudly "Ba! Ma!" And I think that is you trying to holler at them too!
You shake your head no as you get into something you are not suppose to be in, like the kitchen drawers or Bailey's water bowl!
You are such a sweet baby and love being around your family! You are too busy to cuddle, but will sometimes if you are really sleepy!
You are in the walking to two year old classroom at church- you don't really like it in there so this last Sunday I stayed with you a while and before I knew it you were playing and smiling and didn't seem to need me anymore!

You have lots of toys that you like to play with: ball popper, Vacum, lawn mower! You like to pull your snap neads apart, and place many small things in cups and tupperware. You just discovered teh joy of knocking down a tower that I make out of anything- cups, books, etc! I think blocks would be a perfect first birthday present!
Grandma has a braclet that you can pull off and you and her paky that over and over again! You pull it off her wrist and then slowly put in your mouth as she mocks surprise saying "oh no! Not for mouth not for mouth!" And you laugh and give it back to her and she puts it on for you to take off again!